Chapter 37: Pushover

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Hana's POV:

I let out a yawn and rubbed my tired eyes.

"Are you sleepy?" Yeonjun rested his head on his hand.

"What does it look like?" I cockily replied.

"How much homework did you finish?" Yeonjun suddenly asked.

Oh- right, homework...

"Actually not much..," I sighed, "I've been having a hard time focusing".

Yeonjun went a bit quiet, "How come?"

His constant questions gave me time to think things out-

Why am I having such a hard time?

"Honestly, I think it's that mystery project Chaeyoung is so busy with, it's driving me crazy- I want to know what it's about, everyone keeps avoiding me for it" I rested my head on the table.

I was so frustrated with everything.

"Please keep your grades up, I don't want to be left alone on the senior trip" Yeonjun made me crack a smile.

I had forgotten all about the senior trip because of all these distractions...

Although we aren't seniors- well not yet- the top students from our class were picked to go in place for the seniors that turned down the trip or just couldn't go.

From what I know, a bunch of me and Yeonjun's friends are going.

I guess it's a nice escape from reality.

Mr. Kang told me they had bought the flight tickets beforehand.

I'm guessing they didn't want to go through the trouble of returning them so they just picked some juniors to go instead.

The permission slip for the senior trip is technically the only reason I even got to know Yeonjun in the first place...

Who would've known-

"I'll be right back" Yeonjun abruptly got up and sprinted out of the library.

I felt awkward sitting there, waiting for Yeonjun so I pulled out my phone.

My notifications were full of missed calls and messages from my driver asking me if "I wanted a ride" and "where I was going".

So that's why my phone was ringing so much...

I tried ignoring it when I was talking to Yeonjun because it's one of my pet peeves- when you're talking to someone and they're on their phone, I wanted to make Yeonjun feel like I was listening... like he mattered.

I kept scrolling on my phone when suddenly I heard a huge crash.

It scared me so much I flinched and the table shook, making my loose papers fly everywhere.

I looked around and noticed someone under a pile of books and their whimpered "h-help!".

I quickly got up, knocking my chair over in the process from how fast I was moving.

The guy's voice sounded so warm and familiar- I couldn't help but be drawn to it and wanting to help them.

"It's the least I can do" I thought.

As I approached the guy I noticed how he had fallen face first- so I couldn't see his face.

I felt so bad for him, the way his voice trembled as he called for help made me pity him immediately.

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