Chapter 58: Bittersweet

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About three months later...

Or something like that, I didn't really keep track of the time-

Donghyun graduated.

That was the only big event after I cut Yeonjun and Minho off.

I still remember sitting up in the stadium, looking down on him as he walked the stage.

He walked tall with a huge smile on his face-

I was exhausted from the school year being over, but I knew I owed it to him to be there.

Not because I had promised to, but because he deserved to have someone sitting up in the stands, out of all those parents and siblings, there to support him.

A part of me felt pity and sadness knowing that after this, I really would never see him again.

Donghyun would go home today, celebrate his accomplishment,

And he'd go off to college- where he'd build a life without me in it.

Just minutes before he was ushered into his seat, we had broken up.

It was a mutual break up, both of us knew him going away for college and me staying was a huge inconvenience.

Plus, we both knew it wasn't working between us anymore. It was inevitable, but still, I regret nothing.

And maybe this was all for the better, maybe I would have just been a huge hurdle for him.

Even though I knew it was over, I still waited outside with all the other families.

I had bought flowers before getting there, and at that point all I wanted to do was give them to him and leave-

But the second I got a glimpse of him,

I freaked out and got cold feet.

A pit grew in my stomach and I knew I just needed to leave.

It wasn't because I wanted him back- it was because I hated the fact that this was it. A graduation and all the sudden the boy I'd known my whole life would be gone.

I guess it was the thought of parting ways for good that made me feel so uneasy.

I walked away and threw the flowers in a trash can.

On my way back home, I couldn't help but feel bittersweet about everything.

I opened the car window for fresh air. A cool breeze hit my face.

Summer had basically just started, and I felt like I was back to the beginning of the school year.

Borderline depressed with mixed feelings about the future, but that's part of growing up right?

I thanked my driver and reached into my bag for my house keys-

"Hana!" I heard an enthusiastic voice call out to me.

I looked up to find Chaeyoung at my front door, and a suitcase next to her.

I immediately smiled and then confusedly stared at her suitcase.

"Why'd you pack already?" I pointed at her suitcase.

"Ummm because I'd hate to be the girl that packs last minute" Chaeyoung said as we walked into my house.

I laughed a little and sat on my couch.

Chaeyoung threw herself on the couch next to me.

"Where were you? You're too fancy to just be out" Chaeyoung asked.

With a simple look Chae's face dropped.

We sat in silence for a bit before she nudged me.

"Why did you bother going, it's only going to make it harder to let go of all the memories" She rested her head on my shoulder.

"I guess I just felt like I had to be there to see him graduate, maybe that's what I needed to let go?" I began thinking out loud.

Chaeyoung quickly got up.

"We leave for Geoje tomorrow and you're sulking over a guy" Chaeyoung pulled me up.

"I'm not sulking" I shyly smiled.

Chae scoffed, "Yeah sure- not anymore".

"Alright, alright, do you wanna help me pack?" I asked.

"What an honor, I'd love to" Chaeyoung laughed.

For the rest of the night we packed and planned what to wear.

It was honestly so fun having innocent fun with Chaeyoung.

Just us two messing around, basically playing dress up, and hanging out.

I forgot all about Donghyun and him leaving for college.

All I cared about was the Geoje trip.

"Did you notice that the senior trip is basically all the 11th graders" Chaeyoung said as she folded some jeans.

"Wasn't there like a big fight and a bunch of the seniors were banned from going?" I asked curiously.

"At least now we get to go for free..." Chae said.

Then a thought came to my head-

"Chaeyoung, do you know who's going on the trip?" I asked.

Genuinely- I only really asked because I wanted to know if a certain somebody was going.

A certain somebody no one knew I was no longer friends with.

"Yeah, I know some people are" Chaeyoung paused.

"Okay... but like who??" I asked, even more curious than before.

"Umm- Kyungmi, Felix, Jiwoo, Beomgyu, Soobin, Taehyun, blah blah blah..." Chaeyoung continued naming people.

But I zoned out realizing maybe Yeonjun wasn't going after all.

"... & Yeonjun i'm pretty sure" Chaeyoung added onto the list.

My eyes widened but i tried to play it off.

Something in me was glad he was going, even if I didn't want to admit it.

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