Chapter 51: Fight, Flight, Or Freeze

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The next day, as I was nearing school, I saw the janitor sprint out.

I looked away and badly hid my smirk.

Yeonjun and I had almost gotten caught after school the day prior.

Although it was terrifying at the time, I found it hilarious now.

Sadly, that joyful mood didn't last long...

I couldn't explain it- I felt as though something was off.

And I was right.

As soon as I entered the front courtyard, everyone rushed inside.

I didn't know whether to freak out or keep walking like normal.

"Are they running away from me? It's not like I stink...." I thought as I neared the main staircase.

I discreetly lifted my blazer and sniffed it.

"I smell fine, what the hell is going on?"- I thought as I finally entered through the front doors.

Everyone was huddled around the walls.

I was so incredibly confused.

But my feet kept slowly walking forward.

I walked past Jiwoo, who gave me a weird dirty look.

Actually, I walked past a bunch of people I recognized.




Huening Kai.



And they all shared one thing, they were visibly worried.

I walked past Chan, who seemed weirdly alone without Chaeyoung next to him.

It wasn't until I heard someone rapidly ripping something in front of me when I finally looked directly ahead.

And on the walls were millions and millions of printed pictures of me.

Of me and Yeonjun.


And a big "CHEATER" bolded in red on my face.

People talk about fight, flight, or freeze.

I always thought I was a variation of fight and flight.

But that very moment proved me wrong.

I froze.

I'm ashamed to admit it. I froze right then and there.

Why is this going on?

Who would do this?



It was an instantaneous state of paralysis.

I knew I had the power to move, but I couldn't.

My muscles tensed, a knot grew in my throat, I felt so suffocated.

The person I had heard ripping paper earlier was Chaeyoung.

She was going up and down, frantically trying to get rid of as many pictures as she could.

But it was no help, the pictures were taped in front of more walls of pictures.

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