Chapter 30: Mystery Project

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Hana's POV:

I woke up the next morning, sore from running.

As many times as I've had to run, my body still can't seem to get used to it.

After getting myself together and putting a clean uniform on, I caught myself glancing at Yeonjun's sweater.

Should I give it back to him?

"It's not mine..." I thought.

I decided to put it in my backpack and give it to him- I also thought of giving it to him on his birthday as a joke, but I couldn't wait until September for that.

As I went down the stairs my eyes fell on both my parents in the kitchen having coffee.

It was definitely a sight to see since one of them would always be at work at this hour, "Morning" I said, startling them in the process.

My dad almost choked on his muffin and my mom flinched, "W-What are you doing here sweetie?" my dad asked me.

I opened my mouth to say some excuse like "I missed my bed" or "I came for my uniform"- but I sighed, and walked over to them.

I checked the time and sat down on a stool next to the kitchen island.

"I don't feel safe staying at my house, this is the only place I thought I could turn to, if that's alright with you" I told my parents.

"Of course you can stay, we wouldn't leave you on the streets" my mom walked over to me and hugged me.

Before I moved out my parents told me I could always come back, that's why my room is still my room and not some office space or personal gym. I always thought it was them trying to tell me to stay, I guess I was wrong.

"Is someone... bullying you? What's going on?" my mom continued on asking.

"Do you feel stalked?" my dad asked curiously.

"I think someone's been coming into my house through my window..." I took a pause as my mom took a sip of her coffee.

"Lee Minho is back... I'm confident it could be him." I shamelessly dropped an accusation.

My mom choked on her coffee and my dad's eyes grew.

"Were you planning on walking to school? Because if you were- you're going to have to forget about that, I'll have a driver take and pick you up." my dad immediately said as he pulled out his phone.

My mom seemed to be having a hard time letting things sink in, "I'll have someone go check out your house..." my mom said as she left the room in a hurry.

"Sorry if I ruined your morning" I apologized to my dad.

"You don't have to apologize- It's good you let us now before things got worse."

And just like that, I was suddenly in a car with shaded windows, being driven to school...

I felt out of place inside the car, almost as if I had forgotten what luxury was.

It disgusted me to think I used to think of drives in cars like these as "nothing" and "just part of my day" when they're very unnecessary.

"I'm honored to drive you to school again Miss." our driver told me.

He was extremely old- I'm almost sure he drove my pregnant mother to the hospital when her water broke.

I gave him a kind smile and melted into my seat as I looked out the window, spotting walking students staring at my car as we drove by. Although they couldn't see me, I felt as though they were looking directly at me.

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