THE HEA .... 😍😌

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It was one week to the wedding and Gulf was learning the waltz steps for the first dance..... Which apparently was proving very difficult from Gulf's standpoint

"One and a two and one and ouch...." This was the fifth time Gulf had stepped on the instructors feet, he was numb to the pain in one of his feet and the other was in for the downfall...

"Gulf, take a break and clear your head" the instructor patted his shoulder "I want you to relax whilst you dance... if not then..."

"I will ...."

"10 mins break... relax" he almost ordered

"Sure" Gulf smiled at him as the instructor walked out and Gulf slumped on the sofa in the studio....

The door opened and Gulf continued to keep his eyes closed

"You said 10 minutes, its barely 2" the moment Gulf said that the door closed

Gulf's eyes flew open as he felt someone touch his arm, he almost went into defensive mode

"Calm down" Bright laughed at Gulf

"Bright, weren't you in your honeymoon phase" Gulf was shocked

"How could you betray me? Do I mean this little to you?" Bright crossed his hands

"You were on your honeymoon, you know it's once in your lifetime and I would..."

"You wouldn't my head Gulf" Bright cut him off

"I can have have as many honeymoons as I want but your wedding is once in a lifetime opportunity as a best friend" Bright faked sadness

"Okay, okay... my mistake" Gulf hugged him

"So what is the step you have problems at?"

"Oh!! Look who is teaching me..." Gulf laughed at Bright

"I underwent a gruelling training for the first dance, don't even remind me" Bright shuddered at the thought as Gulf laughed

"It's the turn that I always miss" Gulf admitted

"I'll play the male part... follow my lead" Bright placed a hand on Gulf's shoulder and the other hand clasped together

"One and two and one and stop..." Bright stopped Gulf at his mistake "space the distance between your feet, that is why you stomp people.... I don't think Mew would mind that though"

They practiced for a few minutes till the instructor came in "I see that you have avoided the mistake"

"You were watching?" Gulf asked

"Hmm, to see if he was able to correct you in a better way"

"And?" Bright raised an eyebrow

"Who do you think trained you?" The instructor laugher and so did Bright, Gulf had no idea

"Yeah, he was my instructor" Bright answered Gulf's shocked face

"All right boys, we don't have a lot of time, let's get this done before the scary boss comes, now it will be two not one that I have to deal with" the instructor wiped his forehead as the dance practice started again

"Who is scary?" both of them said in unison but the instructor pleaded the fifth...



"When were you even planning to tell me about this?" Win asked Mew as they headed to pick their partners from the dance studio

"One day before" Mew answered honestly but also asked "How come you are a week early?"

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