Chapter 68: Judgment!

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"Tar, I already warned you not to touch Gulf ever again, didn't I?" Mew was getting a headache at this point

"First the water stunt and then the dispersion of the pictures and not to mention all the extra work load that you put on him, do you still deserve the chief of secretary position"

"The pictures was not me at all, it was Puifai, he.." Tar pointed at Chimon "already told you that"

"You had the audacity to send our picture to the Sunshine newspaper agent" Win was fuming at this point

"I just sent, I never said that he could spread it around" Tar tried....

"And you followed us to my apartment" Mew said as Chimon changed the slide to one that had Tar taking the pictures, even though he hid his face, the face identifier CCTV in Mew's apartment, identified him within seconds

It was over for Tar .......he knew he was done for

"And on the note, Mil, you are one shameless, stupid person" Win said as Mil's pictures came up "I told you again and again not to mess with Bright, but you did" Win continued "You even tried to put a discord between us, by telling me that Bright was in a relationship with First"

"I didn't lie" Mil tried "First said that he wanted Bright" Mil looked at First asking for help but First payed him no attention at all

"I didn't say that" First denied

"But, you did say that at lunch a day before" it was Bright who spoke this time

"I was creating evidence for them to trust me" First shook his head "Win is too scary as a boyfriend"

"No, he is not" Bright right away denied it and Win smiled like crazy

"Back to business " Win cleared his throat "and you spread the rumors about them being coat riders"

"Win, I " Mil started but Win glared at him "President Win, I didn't mean it that way, I just wanted to....."

"You wanted nothing, you lost everything the moment you started this...I don't want to see your face ever again"

"It was not me, was Pan, she send...."

"I don't want to hear anything anymore" Win shut Mil up

"What is wrong with all of you, blaming Pan...what can such a small girl even do" Mrs. Jongcheevevat was getting tired of everyone pointing fingers at Pan

"This little girl did all this..." Chimon said as he played an analytic video of Pan falling to the ground without Gulf even touching her. The next video was a CCTV recording of Pan meeting with the Sunshine Newspaper agent and giving him the hush money. The next was her giving her work to Gulf to do whilst she whiled her time way with gossip, and then the clip came out of her switching the Lok enterprise proposal.....

As the slides floated, Mrs. Jongcheevevat's eyes widened every second

"She is the same little lady that brought her own father's company down" Mew shook his head at his mother

"Mrs. Jongcheevevat it was not me.... I swear" Pan hoped the she would take her side

"Btw, we got in contact with the agent and he spilt the beans and also the amount of money you payed him" Ohm said as he played a recording of the guy confessing

"Let me talk with the CEO of the Sunshine Newspaper" Mrs. Jongcheevevat said to San as she held her hand out to receive the phone 

"Unfortunately, the company no longer exists " Chimon smirked as he bought up the news on the screen

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