Chapter 75: Vachira💛kajorn!!

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"What are you doing in my house?" Liz said forgetting that there were other people as well, whilst those people were enjoying the show, no one said anything... she put the tray down on the side as she looked dead straight in his eyes

"No wonder, I knew that the name was familiar... so you were his sister" Sam shook his head

"What are you doing here?" Liz asked again, ready to throw him out of her house, who even let him inside

"I am Win's brother" Sam said as a matter of factly

"Then I am MSJC's CEO's wife" she snorted, she knew about Mew and Gulf, but Sam's audacity was ticking her........ "Your family name is not even Opas Iam-kajorn, it is Wayer"

Sam Wayer and Liz Vachirawit went to the same high school, both were competing scholarship rivals, be it studies or sports. Liz hated losing and especially to Sam cause he was a natural at everything, whilst Liz had put extra effort in everything. Their recent fight was about the exam grades and Liz unfortunately ranked second place as always and Sam was first.... Sam would never address her by her name rather she was a second place, no matter what. Even when they competed for the student body, Sam was appointed as the president and Liz as the vice-president....

They had constant rivalry, everywhere on every little thing........... they would turn everything into a competition, Liz for once wanted to defeat Sam at all cost.

"What!!!!!" Liz was shocked beyond explanation

"I used my maiden name because I didn't want attention" Sam shook his head. He enrolled in a public high school because he didn't like the private schools privilege system.... And well he found something here that he had fun toying with.....

"Liz....." Liz's mom got up and took the tray and served refreshment to the guest who had fun watching this

"You guys are funny, are you sure you both.........." Win's mother laughed at the interaction

"Mother..." Sam almost whined

Liz after coming to her senses shook hands with the family except Sam, she gave him the biggest fish eye she could and then she sat in an empty chair

The talk went as usual between the elders and the younger ones. Liz and Mellow bonded quite quickly and poor Sam felt left out until Bright's mom called him over to get him involved...

Lunch was served and Win's mother couldn't stop complementing the food, no wonder Win would always come here to eat..... she was coming next

After lunch, tea was served and the family interaction was joyful until Liz's eyes fell on her game console, an idea popped in her mind and then she looked at Sam

"Sam, Call of duty (COD, PS4 game), Winner gets what they wish for" Liz challenged Sam and he happily took it on

"What is your wish?" He asked as he took one of the controller

"Stop calling me Second place" she raised her eyebrow

"Deal" Sam said as the game started

Bright and Win were in their own world even in the presence of their parents

"Are you relaxed now?" Win asked as he stroked Bright's cheek, he had noticed since the beginning that Bright was fretting over nothing

"I am" Bright said as he tried to push Win's hand down


"Win, parents are here" Bright whispered

"So what?" Win pouted

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