Chapter 9: A day to remember

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Gulf and Bright took their time to eat while making small talks here and there. They decided to explore the resort for the rest of the time. There were beach games like banana boat, jet ski and such that the boys enjoyed. Who knows when they will have such a chance again in life, might as well enjoy what life has presented with.

After the exciting banana boat ride the boys went water parachute sailing and enjoyed the view from up there. They decided to spend the remaining time jet skiing. 

They took a jet ski each and raced in the middle of the sea like there was no tomorrow. A huge wave crashed into the jet ski and they both toppled over in the middle of the sea. Bright got onto his jet ski again and looked around for Gulf.... He was no where to be seen, his jet ski was floating but the boy was no where to be seen. 

Did he fall into the sea, but he has his life jacket and that is when Bright remembered that after Parachute sailing, as they became wet they changed their shirts and Gulf didn't put on his life jacket. 

Bright called out to Gulf but then at the far end he saw Gulf treading the water. He swiftly reached there and held Gulf by his shoulder but failed to pull his friend over the jet ski because Gulf was running out of consciousness and fast. He tried multiple times but failed. Then Bright removed his life jacket and made the semi conscious Gulf wear it. He looked left and right as he didn't have his mobile phone to call for help and spotted a cruise ship a few km away from them. After ensuring that Gulf was afloat he sped through the water and reached the ship where people were enjoying a party. He was almost going to bump into the cruise when he pulled his brakes.

"Help my friend has fallen into the water. He is unconscious. Someone help" Bright screamed on top of his lungs, making the party goers turn towards him

"Mr. Mew, Mr. Win, please help my friend he is in the water and unconscious, I couldn't pull him up so I need your help " Bright ran through his words as he was telling them

"What? where?, Lead the way" Mew said and ordered everyone to tuck in as he sped after Bright to the area.

The green jacket was floating with no conscious of the world. Mew jumped into the water and swam gracefully towards Gulf and pulled him out of the water and onto the boat with the help of Bright and Win.

He tried shaking so as to bring Gulf back to senses, but that didn't help, so onto stage 2, CPR, 30 pumps and 2 breaths and 3 continuous times, Gulf spewed water onto Mew's face and everyone took a breath of relief. The most shaken up person was Bright, had anything happen to Gulf he would have to re-live his previous trauma of his brother. Win bought two blankets, one he threw to Mew and with the other he covered the shivering Bright.

"He is fine, he is fine" repeated Win in Brights ears

Gulf woke up with a puzzled face as to what was happening around him.

"Bright, where is Bright, he was with me when the wave crashed" Gulf searched around frantically.

"He is fine, there he is" Mew pointed at Bright cuddled by Win "take care of yourself first" he said

"Mr. Mew, why are you here?" A sincere question asked by Gulf

No one answered. Mew got up and pulled Gulf up and led him to a gorgeous room on deck to rest.

"Rest in here, once we reach the shore, we will get a full check up and we will take later" Mew said and turned to leave

"Mr. Mew thank you" for whatever reason he felt like he needed to thank this man.

Bright on the other hand was still trembling in Wins' arm like a little baby. After a few minutes he settled down.

"Are you all right?" Win asked

"Yes, I am thank you" bright said as he stood up feeling awkward all over

"Where are you going?" Win asked

"To Gulf, I want to check on him" he turned and left

As much as Win wanted to ask about bright's condition he felt is was better to keep quiet as the young man himself didn't look like he wanted to tell him anything.

He could wait a few months for that. Waiting was not a problem for Win. He has already waited for years now.......

The cruise headed to the shore ASAP, cutting the party short but Mew's priority was getting his possible candidate checked in the hospital.

The paramedics were at the shore once the cruiser docked and they took both Gulf and Bright for treatment. While Gulf and Bright were in their treatment rooms, Mew and Win were pacing the halls like angry lions that would snap at anyone that would not answer to them.

The doctors declared both of their conditions to be stable and prescribed an increased dose of the long acting antidepressant for Bright and asked to keep the rapid acting ones handy incase he needed them for PTSD. Gulf was admitted for a day and Bright was constantly by his side till it was dark and told him that he will come tomorrow to check up on him . He told Bright not to tell his family as he didn't want to worry them.

Night came and Gulf dozed of to wonderland unaware of the heated conversation going on in the Directors office three floors above

"How is his condition?" Mew asked

"He has been stabilized, there is no water in his lungs, we have only kept him in the hospital for observation upon your orders, CEO" the doctor told Mew

"He better be back to normal by tomorrow or else" Mew trailed off.

"How is Bright's condition" Win interjected

"He is fine, just needed a bit of dose adjustment. The stress of work and graduation and the incident all caught up to him at the same time. He is a strong man" the doctor assured

"So what were the changes?" Win pushed forward

"Patient confidentiality" the doctor replied and Win glared at him, cursing him in his mind. Calm down Win, better to hear from the person than someone.

The day broke and a groggy Gulf rubbed his eyes and opened them to a back facing him.

"Bright close the window, it's too bright". Gulf said as the person turned "Mr. Mew, I apologize, I though you were my friend " Gulf was stunned

Mew turned after closing the window. Straightened his suit jacket and came closer to Gulf

"It was the resorts fault that the precautions were not taking properly, the company is going to compensate you" Mew said

"Sir, I was partially at fault as well, as I didn't adhere to the safety precautions, compensation is not necessary" Gulf said

"I would agree, but the hotels motto is customers are the priority, they shouldn't have left you alone" Mew said rubbing his forehead lightly. He then got up and left the room.

Gulf didn't see him thereafter. A man of few words but authoritative or should it be rude much, Gulf couldn't decide from the two physical encounters


A/N: This is longer than the previous one as I promised. 

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Thanks for chapter coming soon 

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