Chapter 17: Blacklist

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Win and Mew were discussing business work during tea time and Win was distracted throughout the whole time

"Win, is everything alright?"

"mhmmm....." Win replied

"What is bothering you? Anything I can help you with?" Mew inquired

To the world, Mew and Win looked like friends or close brothers in name, little did they know that Mew and Win were cousins from Mew's mother's side. They grew up together are were very close nit. Mew's biggest supporter was Win when Mew started the company, helping him gain contract here and there.

"Actually, I don't know where to start" Win said bothered

"How about what happened today?" Mew said smiling

Win immediately looked at Mew with a shocked expression. Nothing could escape this man's eyes in this company. No wonder everyone was terrified of him.

Win told the whole story to Mew...... whilst Mew was silently listening to every word his brother said.

"Did you access the cameras to check out if their stories aligned" Mew asked

"Unfortunately, the event occurred during the maintenance period. There is no footage"

Win had tried to obtain the footage but to no avail, the security department couldn't help him.

"Mew can you hand me the reigns of the Blacklist" Win asked Mew after thinking for few minutes

"You know that they will not help you simply, they only listen to me, they have sworn their loyalty to one person only" Mew said

"Just for the 3 days, give me the authority, I cannot forget the look on Bright's face" Win continued "he already didn't trust me and now..." Win left his words trailing

"I'll give you the reigns, let me talk to them first" Mew said pulling out a second phone from his pocket. He texted someone and once he got the reply, he gave the go ahead to Win and handed him the phone

"Don't give it to anyone" Mew warned Win.

Win took the phone and immediately, there was a text on it that he opened

"Good evening President. How can we help you?"

"I'll call you" Win texted back

"We will be receiving texts only, no calls unless from CEO"

Win would have to make do with texts...... after texting so much, even Win was tired of explaining the situation, but he didn't care, he never wanted to se that look on Brights' face ever again .

The final text from Blacklist was "you want to find the perpetrator?"

"Yes, the deadline is 3 days" Win texted back

"Consider it done"

"Keep the phone with you for 3 days" Mew told Win "They will not let you down, trust me" Mew tried calming Win down.

Mew could understand Win's ordeal.


Day one of Brights' absence, rumors flooded the entire company with Bright taking over his seniors work. Everyone was on Mil's side, from everyones perspective Mil was the person who helped Bright and Bright was the person who took advantage of his goodwill.

With the hustle and bustle in the presidents secretary office, the room felt silent as CEO Mew entered.

"CEO, how can I hep you?" Phukong the acting head asked

"I will be instating a new employee for today with the department for 3 days until Mil and Bright return, I know that you have lost man power but he is a capable guy who will help you out" Mew said "Go on enter" Mew said pushing a skinny guy with glasses into the room

He shyly looked at Mew and then stepped inside whilst fidgeting his hands.

"I am Chimon Wachirawit, please treat me well" he said looking on the floor

No one would trust a guy with work if he looked like a dumb freak, all the employees were thinking the same thing. It was only 3 days they would bear with this, or at least try to bear with it

"Sure, Welcome, I'll take care of him personally" Phukong led Chimon to one of the empty seats as Mew left.

"Can I take the computer near the window" Chimon asked earnestly

"No, that is the chief of secretary Mil's computer", he is a cute guy, Phukong thought.

"Okay, what can I help you with firstly" Chimon asked accessing his account.

"The files on Mils table need to be put into the electronic folder, get that done by today"

Poor guy, Phukong thought, Chimon will need to overwork one his first day, for a normal person that would take more than a day to do it.

Feeling pity for Chimon, Phukong got a drink from Starbucks for the boy, at least this would motivate him.

Chimon looked at the huge pile, and got to work. As he was going through the files and sorting them he came across a file with Brights' name on it. What was Brights file doing on Mil's table. He quietly put the file away, he'll come back to that later. With all the gossip going around, Chimon quickly learned what was going on between Bright and Mil.

The dusk broke through and the secretary department emptied out one by one.

Phukong looked over his computer at the last remaining person, Chimon. He had files divided into two parts, one that was done and the one he was working on. He had barely finished typing  one file, Chimon was a very slow typer, Phukong thought to himself, should I help him since I am done with work.

Phukong got up from his chair and went to Chimon

"Would you like me to help you?" He asked

"No, thank you, I'll try to manage it by myself" Chimon replied lowering his head.

Phukong, after finishing his work left the room and Chimon alone was working on his work. Hours later the secretary department went dark indicating the end of the day as everyone had left for work.

Hours later a light shone in the room, they have started their move.............


A/N: Update, Update!!

Thanks for the comments.............................

I started as a #wanjaai when Tharntype the series was being promoted but because I can't hold on to curiosity much, I tend to watch when the series usually gets over, I broke the rule for Tharntype the series..... I also agree with the fact that Mew was made for Gulf and vice-versa, in the recent fan-meeting Gulf has been becoming bolder and bolder.....😂, and also the boxsets are driving me crazy..... I keep watching them on replay

As for BrightWin, I just can't stop liking the rabbit, his energy just pulls you in and Bright is an idol on a different level. 

I can't wait for the series to come out........I feel like I have been waiting for eternity

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