Chapter 80: Socialite??

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Bright and Gulf were having an emergency meeting after they had opened the email

"What are they planning?" Bright asked Gulf hoping he would have the slightest idea as to what the party entitled

"I don't know, he said nothing to me. I am as shocked as you are" Gulf had no answers either

"Have you RSVP'ed them"

"No, what about you?"

"Not yet, I want to ask Win what this is about first....."

"But the date to RSVP is today, and they told us to do it"

"We have a choice don't we?"

"I don't think so, one way or the other, even if we don't RSVP, we will be dragged against our will" Gulf and Bright both agreed on this fact, if their boyfriends have said something they will do it regardless, like it or not........

"Let's do it.......... otherwise" Bright shook his head, they were already doomed and they didn't want to make this event another issue

~ ~

"How was the meeting?" Bright asked Win as he entered the house

"Same as usual. Did you RSVP?"

"I did. What is the socialite gathering all about? Do I even have to attend that?"

"You do.... You are my plus 1" Win winked at him and Bright gagged in response

"Seriously" Win shook his head and headed to the sofa that Bright was enjoying his popcorn on "Did you just gag at me?"

"I did.... What are you going to do about it?" Bright asked as Win slowly closed the distance between them "Stop right there, go take a shower first" Bright placed his hands at Win's lips preventing him from doing what ever he had planned but Win being Win was not ready to give in so easily, he removed Bright's hand and proceeded to suck the oxygen out of Bright....

Minutes later when Bright finally caught his breath he glared at Win "you better take a bath or else I am not going to let you............"

"Okay, okay" Win surrender and raised his hand in the air. Bright was not a clean freak but Win knew what would irk Bright and he would alway do that........

"Do you want to take one with me?" Win asked as he stood at the bathroom door

"No, thank you" Bright said tugging his shirt, indicating he already had one

"Whatever, you will be taking one again at night" Win winked at closed the door immediately as a cushion came flying and hit the bathroom door and Bright was red like a tomato..... Win knew exactly how to tease Bright and he used it to his max... but Bright still needed answers for the party

"or maybe after 3 days" Win opened the door again, said and closed it cause he feared another cushion coming...... he had to think of way to make up to Bright if he was sulking ... or was he?



Gulf was preparing dinner when Mew returned from work

"Hmmm, I smell delicious food" Mew said as he placed his coat on the hanger

"Welcome back" Gulf smiled as he shook ladle in the pot

"What are you making?" Mew asked as he back hugged Gulf who was cooking

"My favorite" Gulf smiled

"Mine or your favorite" Mew asked puzzled

"My favorite of course" Gulf shrugged

"Then I will have my favorite" Mew said as he pecked Gulf's neck in different places

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