Chapter 8: Fun time or work time?

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Out of the 10,000+ applicants only 200 were called for the second interview and Gulf and Bright were part of it. The day was very quiet, there were gatherings, friends sat next to each other and discussed whatever. 

Bright and Gulf took this opportunity to introduce themselves to the other applicant and enlarged their circle of friends, by lunch time they were friends with more than 70 applicants. Lunch time was a meeting with the executive of the branch company. There were discussion between the applicant and the executive, not that they were judges. 

Neither Mr. Mew nor Mr. Win were present at this meeting.

Evening was a team building workshop followed by a trust-fall event. Then came the dinner party and, off everyone headed to their rooms. Since it was early, Gulf and Bright decided to walk around the resort of a bit. 

The wind was cool and felt pleasant. As they were walking around discussing menial things they heard some giggling at the far stretch. The voices were faded by something along the lines of "if you sleep with ...... I'll help you enter the company... I have the power". So basically there were people who were trying to use the back door to enter the company. 

This was something that both Gulf and Bright hated to the core, after years of hard work, who would still resort to these methods.

Gulf and Bright walked away not wanting to hear anymore.

The day broke and the sleepy heads went for breakfast, to their surprise there was a podium at the head of the tables. Once the applicants filed in on the tables, a gentleman wearing a suit stepped up and introduced himself as the secretary of the HR department.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your patience during the interview. The interview has been officially over and the results will be announced in the coming few days " the secretary said

"But we didn't do anything, what were we evaluated on, no one talked to us" one applicant asked

"If you are wondering what and how you were evaluated the answer is on top of your heads" the secretary said as he pointed up

All of them looked up and were puzzled, there were only chandeliers and cameras

"Cameras" it dawned on Gulf, we were monitored the whole time

"Yes, you all were monitored by the executives through the camera, all your interactions, manners, leadership and teamwork skills" the secretary said. The roomed was filled with silence followed baby a sigh of relief.

Then he continued and dropped the bomb "if you are wondering about the cameras surveillancing the whole resort then the answer is yes, inside and out, everything was monitored even the fact that some of you tried to suck up to the executives to enter the company"

"The criteria for this years evaluation were as follows: Ability to make new friends and colleagues, mannerism and respect to the executives, leadership skills, communication skills, teamwork skills"

"The rest of the day is free you can do what you want, everything is free to the applicants till 11:59 pm and best of luck on round three" he ended his speech and gestured to continue eating.

There was relief on some faces while the others were horrified. Some of them quickly gulped down food and hurried out of the resort as if they knew if they stayed any longer they would be found out by the people about what they did.....


A/N: I know this is short but I promise the next one will be long. I am working on it

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