Chapter 57: he?

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"Mew is my lover" Gulf repeated in clear voice.

"Lover....." Mew's mother laughed hysterically. "Who are you kidding with? Look at yourself first before calling him your lover"

" just a bottom of the mill rat, no prestige and on top a guy. I am sure Mew is only playing with you to relieve his boredom" Pan interjected

"He is not" Gulf denied it. He had seen Mew change in the past months. Mew even started cooking for him. That was a huge step in setting their relationship. Picking and dropping him daily to work and taking him out ever so often, coming to his house to apologize...Mew had put in a lot of effort into mending their relationship.....Gulf needed to trust Mew on this.

"This is my last warning to you stay away from him... I need a daughter-in-law and not a son-in-law" she almost spit out the last words "Also, you have a week to resign and leave the apartment....." then she turned to the secretary "get me in touch with the lady of the Opas-iamkajorn family, I should inform her about the seducer who seduced her son......what was her son even thinking to fall for that?" She shook her head as she stood up and left the room with her secretary.

"I told you to stay away from him, Slut" Pan whispered to Gulf as she followed Mew's mother out of the room

"Ma'am, Ms.Mellow is in the President's office, would you like to meet her now" the secretary told her

"What luck, tell her I am coming to visit"

"Yes, ma'am"

The secretary headed to the President's office

"Ms.Mellow, Mrs. Jongcheveevat would like to meet you"

"Sure, I already know what is coming" Mellow shook her head and then turned to Bright

"Listen, Bright. Don't care about what anyone says and its better if you are not here when Mew's mother shows up, so go to your office now and don't tell Win that we talked about other things" She winked as Bright walked out. Mellow was a kind but deadly soul but she was Win's sister for all he cared...

Knock Knock

"Come in" Mellow knew who it was, the heels were too loud for her taste

"Mrs. Jongcheveevat"

"Ms. Opas-iamkajorn "

"Have a seat. What can I help you with today?" Even though Mellow knew what this old woman was going to talk about she had to pretend to be polite to her

"I'll get straight to the point, Do you know about who your brother Win is going on with?"

"I do and?"

Mew's mother was shocked. Did his sister not care. "It's a guy?"

"So what?" Mellow asked in a wishy washy tone

"What will your mother feel?" She shook her head

"Nothing. Win's happiness is her happiness"

Mew's mother was speechless now. It was useless taking to Mellow she needed to take to Mrs. Opas-iamkajorn directly.....she was wasting her time there. She stood up to leave but Mellow stopped her

"If you interfere with Win and Bright, I'll not leave you alone........" Mellow said in a low and scary tone "Mrs. Jongcheveevat, don't even think of hurting Bright or Gulf, you will be seeing the end by your own son"

"Pick" Mellow turned to her secretary "show Mrs. Jongcheveevat out of the office" she pointed with her hand.................she knew that Mew and Gulf were not going to have it easy, but she believe in her brother and cousin. They had the ability to protect their lovers and they better do it right

The CEO and his internजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें