Chapter 87: Siblings 🤩

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"We have booked rooms for everyone in the hotel so you can stay and enjoy the time, because today was definitely a hectic day" Win said to them and called his phone and the concierge came running to give out the key cards for the room

"It's fine, we can head home" Bright's mom said not wanting to intrude "Don't worry, Bright will be with you" she smiled at Win as she saw his face when she said they were heading home

"Please" Win pleaded

"Fine, only for you" she patted his back

"Lead them to their room" Win told the concierge

"Yes sir" the concierge led them to their allotted room, the parents stayed in individual rooms. Mellow and Liz were in one room together because Mellow requested it. Sara had her own room and so did Sam.

Mellow, Liz and Sara's room was attached to each other, if they wanted they could open the locks and come to the others room openly and that is what they did.......... They all became close friends in the short amount of time they got to know each other

When girls are together all they do it girl talk isn't it?.......

Mellow got a text on her phone, so she excused herself and it was only Sara and Liz and well they gossiped and changed their clothes into comfy pajamas.... When Mellow came back she also did the same

"Liz, Sara..." Mellow started

"hmm" Sara said already knowing what was going to happen

"Sam is alone, shall we invite him to join?"

"Sure, why not?" Sara said cheerfully

"Sure....." Liz said looking all over the room

"Let me text him" Mellow texted and she got the reply "he is on his way"

"Wait that is too fast, I have already changed and I have no makeup on" Liz almost jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom

"Why do you need to dress up?" Sara said looking at Mellow and stifling her laugh

"Exactly.... Why do I need to change?" Liz questioned herself at her own reason "hmmm...."

"It's like as if you love him" Mellow said smiling at Sara behind Liz's back in the bathroom

"Exactly, it's as if I like......" and she stopped and turned to the girls and stared at them, and then she realized what they had done her "omg!! You both, how dare you" she held her hair brush and ran behind the two girls around the room.... She finally had caught Mellow on the bed and was on top of her with her hand that held the brush in the air almost attacking her all while Sara was laughing her guts out, filming them both and then they heard the sound

Ping, ping, ping, click

The door opened and in he entered and he was shocked at the scene in front of him. He stopped in his track and seconds later stepped back and out of the door and closed the door. He took a deep breath and knock on the door and opened the door when he heard "come in" from inside the room

The girls were all laughing at his reaction and at the stunts that they had pulled. Liz immediately set her clothes and hair and sat like she had not done anything wrong in her whole life and Mellow and Sara couldn't stopped laughing

"Are you all done with what you were doing?" Sam asked

"You saw nothing" Liz almost threatened him

"Never thought you were that wild" laughter escaped Sam's mouth as he tried to control it

"Did you come here to make sarcastic remarks?" Liz questioned him almost silencing him in the process

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