Chapter 22: Intentional??

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Back at the office things have been seemingly settled. 

"Why did you do this?" Win asked Mil "Do you know how much of a trusted personal you are to me?"

"I didn't mean to ........" Mil tried to justify

"I trusted you Mil, you were there with me from the beginning " Win continued

Mil tried to interject only earning glares from Win. Win trusted Mil more than anyone, that was one of the reasons why he was the chief of his secretary department. Win was even fine with changes he used to make in the contracts because he trusted Mil. There were days Win would leave his work to Mil completely and the work done was amazing. 

But now Mil has messed up really bad, Win just wanted to fire him immediately. Just when he finally got Bright into his team, Mil had to mess things up.

"Give me one reason why I should not fire you" Win gave Mil the ultimatum

"You are my first Win, as you said, we were together every time, why does it have to be Bright now?"

"It's President Win from today onwards, our friendship is done for" Win said

"Don't do this, please " Mil interrupted

"That's it, because this matter was taken to the corporate level, your matter will be handled by the HR department" Win said leaving the room and slamming the door on Mil's face

Since this was Mil's first altercation the HR could only give him a demotion, his previous record was very outstanding, so they felt firing him would be a loss to the company. Win unfortunately couldn't intervene in this matter

Mil had been demoted from his chief of secretary position to a normal secretary and he was forced to give an apology to Bright in front of everyone.

Bright been a very professional and understanding person accepted his apology easily.....


Gulf was in the stationary room making copies when he heard a knock on the door. He turned to find Mew standing in the doorway.

"May I help you?" Gulf said, confused as to why the CEO was here. If he needed anything he would always get his secretaries to do it. One press of the button the whole department would be there. Confused much.....

Mew just stared into Gulf's eye for a few minutes straight. Without breaking eye contact he walked towards Gulf, closer and closer, whilst Gulf stepped back slowly...........

Now Mew was almost inches away from Gulfs' face. He closed in, making Gulf rooted in his spot, with no place to move, Gulf closed his eyes. Gulf could feel Mews breath on his face, closer to this cheeks and then

"Boo"... Mew booed into Gulf's ears. Gulf lost strength in his legs and almost slipped down whereas Mew was laughing like crazy.

"What did you think I was going to do?" Mew inquired raising one eyebrow

"Nothing" Gulf said almost breathless, was he expecting something. Gulf has been feeling uncomfortable around Mew since they dined together.

"Get me these papers photocopied and leave them on my desk once that is done" Mew said keeping the documents on top of the copier and left.

Why is he playing with me? Gulf then remembered... he is extracting his revenge... but this was such a childish way.


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