Chapter 12: Allocation

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Gulf and Bright just stared at each other saying nothing.

The days went by normally. 8 hours of work was exhausting but it was worth the pay they were getting. One of the perks of getting the job was that all the employee could lease an apartment on house allowance.

Both Gulf and Bright took up this opportunity and they couldn't believe themselves. The apartments that they got were more luxe than five star hotels. Each apartment has 4 bedrooms, a sitting room, a dining room, a closed and an open kitchen, 6 bathrooms and a large living space with huge balconies. And the cherry on top was that it was all furnished.

The boys couldn't believe it but after convincing their families they finally moved to these huge apartment which were 10 minutes by walking to the company. Coincidence much, but Bright and Gulf were neighbor on the 21st floor.

3 months went by peacefully, but little did they know the calm before the storm...... brewing at full force.

It was announced that the employees would be allocated to different departments. It was weird as everyone said the allocation happened biannually, not quarterly, but no one can go against the order of the HR .........unless you were the owner.

Days later the allocation was posted all over the company. The notice was as follows

"The following personals are being allocated to different department

                                Gulf Kanawut - Secretary department

                                Bright Vachirawit - Secretary department

Effective as of Sunday, please report to your assigned department "

This came as a shocker for the boys as they didn't know the ABC's of being a secretary.

They closed their belongings from the accounting department and headed 5 floor up to the secretary department.

The head of the department seem strict. The boys greeted everyone but no one replied back to them. Were they been hated on, but why?

Then a boy got up from his chair, he was visibly shorter than Bright sand Gulf and stood in front of them.

"Hi, I am Tar" he extended his hand "welcome to the department, don't anyone to expect to welcome" he said smiling and then slowly whispered into Gulf's ears "you are not needed here" stunning Gulf.

The boys were then oriented to the secretary teams within the department. The two biggest teams were dedicated to the CEO and the president each.

Tar was the chief secretary for the CEO. Since the boys were shuffled around, Gulf was situated in the CEOs' team and Bright in the presidents' team.

No one liked the boys at all and the reason being that it took them years to reach this position and the boys took no longer than 3 months. Even they couldn't believe what was going on. Since they were new, they just followed the orders that was being given around. Like it or not, they didn't have much choice

The head of the department then told the chief secretaries to take the boys to meet their supervisors.

Tar led Gulf to the CEO's office. As anticipating as he was to meet the CEO of the branch office, he was as well scared. He has heard that people in high positions were either strict or very handsy and he had no idea how his CEO would be.

Tar knocked on the door and entered the room followed by Gulf. Gulf couldn't see who was on the chair as the chair was turned towards the glass wall and the man was staring outside.

"Ahem, CEO, I have bought the new secretary here" Tar said

"I know, you can leave now" The CEO said

Tar then left, leaving the bunny in the lions den

"Good morning, CEO" Gulf bowed slightly "My name is Gulf Kanawut, I was allocat...." His voice was stuck in his throat as the chair swiveled 180 degrees and the face of the man came into view

"Mr. Mew Suppasit" Gulf croaked

"The one and only" he laughed, "you don't have to introduce yourself, I know all about you" Mew said

It took minutes for Gulf to analyze the situation he was in, he has messed with the wrong guy, not an employee, not an executive rather a CEO. As Gulf read the sign board in front of Mew's name his world came crashing down. How could he not know, how could it have missed his mind, MSJC really stood for Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat Corporation, so Mew was the CEO of the whole company !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Gulf, Gulf......... Gulf" breaking Gulf from his trains of thoughts "being in my secretary team is not easy and there will be a lot that you would need to learn and quick, welcome to my revenge zone" Mew laughed

How was this a revenge, rather Gulf would gain new experiences and learn more from the people around him........ but what Gulf didn't know that the experiences he was about to get would change his life

Mil the head of the president's secretary, led Bright to the presidents office. He opened the door and pushed Bright in and left. Another door within the presidents office opened up and..

"Ta-da, how do you like my new suit" Win said with the biggest smile

Bright was shocked in his spot but manage to talk "I am here to meet the president, for introductions"

"mhm, and...." Win said

"I'll come back when he is available" Bright said as he turned to walk towards the door

"You haven't read the name plate have you, no one is coming in this room for now" Win said with no humor in his voice, was Bright making  fun of Win, Win though to himself

Mr.Win Metawin, President of the MSJC

Bright then turned back around and with the most straight face ever gave his introduction, told Win that he will be at his beck and call and left the room quickly.

Why did no one tell him that Win was going to be his superior, why did he not know that Win worked here, he would have never applied to MSJC had he known that Win worked here. There was no going back. He has already rejected all the other acceptances, he was stuck here and for good.


A/N: Hope you are all enjoying the novel

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