Chapter 78: Cleaning 😇

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Win had just finished his shower when Bright almost pulled him out of the bathroom door

"hmmm" Win wiggled his eyebrows at Bright

"We need to talk Win" Bright's voice was very stern as he looked at Win

"Is everything all right Bright" Win tried thinking what Bright wanted to talk in such a hurry. After the lunch with Aunt Ice, Bright was a bit resistant to whatever Win did and Win realized that something was wrong but he was not sure what exactly had gone wrong, but they already agreed that communication is key, so now they could talk about everything, small or big

"Are you seriously asking me if everything is all right?..... you of all people shouldn't be asking me that" Bright couldn't believe his ears

"But....... If you don't tell me how will I know" Win reasoned with Bright

"The shares, Win and what position, the director? Are you crazy...... what are you, father and Mew even thinking" Bright answered

"Oh so this is it" Win breathed out

"This is it!!!!! did you just say that..........." Bright shook his head in denial, was Win joking with him now

"But why only us, Sam got you a car, Mellow got you a villa and mom got you a private jet......." And then Win stopped, he totally forgot that Bright had yet to meet the family and receive the gifts as they forgot few days ago

"What did you say?" Bright asked bewildered "Villa, Car and Jet, hahahaha" Bright gave out a sarcastic laugh he shook his head at Win "Stop joking with me and tell me why I was given the shares"

"You think I am joking with you?" Win questioned as he pulled out his phone and dialed his mother immediately all whilst Bright sat in silence looking at the show Win was putting

"Hi Mother" Win said as the video call connected

"Hi son, where is my Bright?" That was the first thing she asked

"Hi, Mother" Bright gave his salutations

"Why don't you tell him that you actually bought him a private jet?"

"Mother, you don't have to play along with Win's joke, he just want to escape giving me answers to why he bought me the shares" Bright shook his head at Win trying too hard

"Joke....." Mother laughter "Oh baby Bright, that is no joke, I actually got one for you, it's parked at Win's international hanger" she smiled at Bright's bewildered face

"What?.........." Bright couldn't say anything

"I got you a car" Sam howled in a distant voice

"I got you a villa facing the beach" Mellow said as she came in to the picture next to mother

"I cannot......." Bright started

"And before you reject the gifts, keep in mind that we all did this out of our happiness, so rejecting is not an option, you are our family now, unless you want us to be sad" she winked at Bright and he couldn't say anything

"I'll call you later again, Mother, take care" Win blew a kiss to her and shut the phone and turned to Bright with a told-you face

"I.... I "

"You don't have to say anything" Win cuddled Bright "I know you feel burdened but with time you will get used to it, after all you are mine and what is mine is yours" Win kissed his forehead "I have a lot for you to swim in, my love"

"Thank you" Bright mumbled slowly into Win's chest, he knew that he had lost, he could never win against his fiancée-to-be

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