Chapter 26: Slowly!

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Gulf ignore the message and texted Bright and asked if he was free for lunch, he was, so they both had lunch together after so long

"Why did you buy so much when its' only the two of us?" Bright asked Gulf

"I didn't buy it, it was delivered to me" Gulf mumbled

"huh... what did you say, delivered, by who?" Bright asked

"CEO" Gulf said in a low tone

"what!!!" Bright exclaimed "come again!!"

"I am not repeating" Gulf said

"why?" Bright asked

"He confessed first" Gulf said, there was no secrets between the boys

"And you accepted it ?... he is a guy, you know that" Bright said not believing Gulf at all

"I didn't, not yet, I know he is a guy" Gulf said staring at Bright

"I am not discriminating, but with the amount of girls that go behind him, how can he even like you, what if he is just playing with you?" Bright was concerned for Gulf, he didn't want any harm coming to Gulf, anyone but his best friend

"I don't know Bright, there is an unsettled feeling that I cannot point at" Gulf said looking at the far distant area

Bright has no answer for this, if Mew was actually pursuing his friend then that was fine but if he was playing with Gulf, Bright wouldn't stand back and watch Gulf being played like a doll.

The rest of the lunch was eaten in silence, little did they know what was going on in the President's secretary department

"Where is Bright?" Win asked Phukong

"He went out" Phukong answered

"Business ?....."

"No, sir, lunch break" Phukong answered

"Damn" Win said leaving the office and heading to his office, he had planned to take Bright for lunch today but who ever this person was, would not be able to escape me, Win though to himself..

Evening came and Gulf had barely finished his work while Bright was given extra work by none other than the President........ why? Because he bailed out on lunch, Win could be so childish sometime...

Just when Gulf was about to clock out, Mew called Gulf to his office

"Wait for me, I'll drop you off home" Mew said

"Thank you, but I am going with Bright, we have an appointment" Gulf and Bright had decided to go for a football match

"He won't be able to join you"

"huh, why not, sir?" Gulf said

"Check with him"

Gulf texted Bright and confirmed what Mew had said.

"Then I'll go alone, good bye" Gulf said turning to leave the room

"Can you not appreciate the effort I am putting into getting you to like me, Gulf" Mew said slowly as he got up and packed his stuff. "I am being serious, trust me this is no joke?"

"I ..... don't know" Gulf shook his head "This is too fast...., I am trying....... to absorb it all"

"How can I make this up to you, you tell me?" Mew said now holding Gulf's hand in his, sneakily

"I don't know" Gulf said removing his hands from Mew's

"Can we go home now" Gulf continued

"Yeah" Mew said and opened the door and led Gulf to the basement where the car was, opened the door for Gulf and then closed it once Gulf settled in, then he sat in the drivers seat and drove off

Gulf have never experienced such feeling, or maybe because he was so busy with life that love was not part of it. Previous girlfriends... none?, so he had no idea if the way Mew treated him was right or not.

On their drive back home, Gulf realized that the road they took was different.

"You missed the turn, Sir" Gulf said to Mew, but Mew didn't listen.

Mew just switched on some music and continued driving on the highway.

Is Mew being serious, he should understand how uncomfortable I was calling him Mew, but he gave me no choice, Gulf though to himself

"Mew" Gulf tried

"mhmmm" Mew said smiling

"You missed the turn"

"I know, I am taking you on the long drive, this is time for you to get to know me better" Mew said

"You are not serious right?" Gulf was shocked

"I am serious, 100%, I don't joke when it comes to love" Mew said seriously


A/N: Update!!!

I have finally reached 10K view all thanks to you lovely viewers

Thanks for your continuous support

I have decided to post 3 chapters to commemorate 10K... do give your feedback and don't forget to share, comment and vote

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