Chapter 37: A slight push...

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*italicized are Bright's memory*

"Bright baby hurry up, we are going to be late" Seo ushered Bright into his car

"Fine, bro, but where are we going?"

"It's a surprise" Win said

"What have you planned?" Bright couldn't settle his curiosity


Seo and Win had planned a secret surprise for Bright.......

The car came to a stop in an empty ground and the boys got off

"Bro, did you bring me here to kill me" Bright joked looking around the barren land

"If anyone tries to kill you I will protect you" Seo was not joking

"Oh, then if you die I will take all your belonging" Bright lightened the atmosphere

"What is mine is always yours Bright" Seo laughed at his brother's joke "Oh, except the diary, you can only open my diary when I die"

"That won't happen in another 50 years" Win laughed

"Yep, I am strong as an Ox" Seo laughed tapping his biceps

Bright was pulled back to reality as the picture frame fell from his hand to the floor...

50 years.... Strong as an Ox, my ass......... he bend down to pick up the photo frame as he saw a paper peek out of the diary and then the words resonated in his mind again.... Was it a calling, should he open it, taking a deep breath he opened it and the first picture was of the three of them

As Bright read through the journal entry, he just cried more and more, every flip of the page crushed his heart further and then shock replaced his emotion...

"How dare he look at my baby?" There was a picture of Seo standing with Win and Bright was in the middle.... Seo had made a gun shape with his fingers and was pointing at Win, Win on the other hand had a heart shape that he had placed on top of Bright's head and Bright was just smiling at the picture, he couldn't recall when that picture was taking, those good old days.....

"How much more is he going to try to catch my baby's attention, my baby doesn't even care"

"If he manages, I'll bless him"

"Win failed again today, why does he always come and whine to me about it"

"Well done, my baby, don't look at Win, he is a jerk"

"Win you made the wrong move...hahahaha"

"My baby loves football, but buying him one isn't gonna change anything"

As Bright flipped the pages, it was getting clear slowly and steadily. He remembered how Seo would call him a baby, even in the earlier pages he was referred to as baby

"He is gearing up to confess, I bet he will lose, that would be the 789th time.."

"Tomorrow is a big mission, Win promised if he succeeded he will confess,I gave him my blessing"

"Bright, if you are reading this, then it means the mission has failed, it means I am not there in this world, I gave Win my blessing, don't hate him, it would be 99% my fault if anything happened to me. Don't blame Win. Give him a chance....... That man has been trying like a dog for 3 years to catch your attention and has failed miserably, I can't watch it anymore... but I will always be watching you from heaven above, I can't laugh at Win anymore or maybe reject his confession so that I can have my laugh in heaven as well"

Bright realized the pattern of Seo's writing, before every mission he would write a "Bright, if you are reading this" note....... so Seo knew the severity of his job, but he didn't leave it because he loved it

But why was Win courting him. Did Win like me?? Bright could not get his mind around the fact that Win actually like him, so all these years he has been trying and Bright took no notice of it.

Bright shook his head, maybe his brother was joking, maybe he missed the part where his bro had written that it was all a prank.... Bright read the journal over again and again... no jokes were mention, Win actually like him......... now what???

Bright how was already unsettled since the morning was even more confused now.... Why did he open the diary? Why did Win become his boss? Why did Seo have to die? His mind was so muddled that he placed the diary back into the draw and headed to the kitchen to drink some cold water, maybe that will cool down his heated brain

"Is my baby boy not feeling well" Bright was startled by his mother's voice

"Mom, I ........" Bright took a big gulp of the water and went and sat next to him mother

"Mom, understands.....Mom will always try to help you, if you want to tell me, I will always listen" His mom knew that Bright had been conflicted and wanted to help him, but if Bright says nothing, this whole discussion is pointless

"It's about Win, right" Mom smiled at him, seeing a shocked face of Bright

Mom was not stupid to notice Win's abnormal behavior and Bright's oblivion, sometime she even laughed at how dumb her younger son was

"How" Bright couldn't believe himself

"I am your mom" his mom smiled "Now its your turn"

"I hate him, it was because of him......."

"Do you think Seo would be happy if he knew what has happened to yours and Win's relation, I am sure he would be crying in heaven, you know that Seo would never blame Win for what had happened... would he" She wiped Bright's tears

"Do you think he protected Win out of duty or out of friendship, their brotherhood was stronger that even death couldn't pull apart, open up yourself to Win just a little bit, he doesn't deserve this.... None of what you are doing is going to bring Seo back to life, you are hurting yourself and Win, Win is also my baby and I don't want to see him get hurt by what has happened, it's almost 5 years, try to forgive him, for mom's sake, hmm, What do you say Bright?" Mom tried bargaining with Bright "For mom's sake?"

"You know that I would do anything for you" Bright smiled at his mom "I'll try"

"That's my boy" she said kissing his forehead "Are you feeling better?"

Only when his mom asked this did he realize that he felt better and there was feeling of comfort around him

"Thanks mom, Love you" he kissed her forehead and headed to sleep

I can try....... Bright thought as he drifted off to sleep. His mom set his blanket on him and caressed his head, he was caring a very heavy burden on himself, poor boy, she turned to switch of the night lamp and closed the door slowly..............


A/N: Update!!!!!!!!

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