Chapter 32: Present day

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Win walked to his bathroom and was shocked at what was reflected in the mirror. He touched his face and used cold water on it..

Panda, I look like a panda, he though to himself. In the few previous days when he started getting closer to Bright, Win has been having flashback more often than ever, but he knew he had to make amends with Bright, he just didn't know how......

Day 3 finally arrived and a confident Mew stepped out of his car and headed to his office. He worked as usual and made some important calls. What felt odd to him was that his 12:00pm tea didn't arrive, where was Gulf?

Mew called Phukong to ask only to be replied by a "he is out of the company for business"

2:00 pm came and Mew texted Gulf for lunch but there was no reply, the message was seen but not replied to.

4:00 pm Mew visited the office only to find Gulf's desk empty

"Where is he?" Mew asked

"Coffee break, Sir" was the reply

6:00 pm, Mew called Gulf on the cellphone but there was no reply...

Gulf where the hell on earth are you? Mew was getting frustrated, mainly due to the lack of...... you guessed it, Vitamin Gulf deficiency.

Mew scanned the whole company to find Gulf but he failed miserably. He was not ready to give up but he had a meeting, finding Gulf was his next priority after the meeting ends

Gulf on the other had was very nervous throughout the day. He ignored Mew's texts and calls because he was scared that Mew would rush him for answers. After he initially refused to reply to the text, he knew that he was doomed.

Damn it, I should have done it when I had the chance, Gulf thought to himself....

After he had finished his external meeting, Gulf had come back to the company. In fact, all the while Mew was searching for Gulf, Gulf was in the company. He just barely escaped Mew's clutched throughout the day. When he looked at Mew's schedule, he found that he would be in a meeting from 7:00-8:00, Gulf knew that, that was the time he could relax and take a deep breath, he knew that such meeting usually took longer than 1 hour, he had plenty of time to think about the answer

Gulf recalled his time with Mew

He loved spending the long drives with Mew, he was comfortable with him, Mew's laughter was music to his ears, Mew always took care of him during his most difficult times, he protected him. His hand in Mew's was perfect fit.

But he knew that Mew have had girlfriends in the past, Mew might get over him quickly, he might say that it was mistake, or that he was checking his orientation or that he was playing with him....

Gulf shook his head trying to remove the nasty thoughts, Mew had whole heartedly pursued him and he fell for him, he meant the world to me......... I like Mew, Gulf thought to himself and then shook his head

"I love him"

"I love you too....." Gulf couldn't believe that he actually said that out loud as he turned towards the voice that replied to his thoughts...

Mew stood at the door. Gulf initially thought he was imagining, then he looked at the time, it was only 7:30, there was no way this was the real Mew......

Gulf then got up from his chair slowly and casually and walked towards the door, when Mew was standing....

"Why were you ignoring me?" Mew asked

"My imagination can talk now" Gulf said as he stood in front of Mew "and it looks so real, so handsome" Gulf extended his hands and pinched Mews cheeks tightly "and it feels real, I must have a solid imagination" Gulf continued

"Ouch, ouch, Gulf, stop it hurts" Mew half laughed and half screamed

"and it can feel pain, Wow" Gulf was in his own world until Mew actually shook him

"Gulf this is the real me" Mew had to shake poor Gulf to reality

"What??" Gulf blinked his eyes and then realized that it was all happening in real

"Oh snap!!!!" Gulf was surprised and turned red like a tomato. He stepped to Mews' side and darted out of the door as Mew pulled him back inside and locked the door behind him.

"Would you do the honors to tell me why you were not returning my calls or texts and why you were running away from me?" Mew needed answers

"I was not, I needed space, we can talk now isn't that enough" Gulf said trying to get out of Mew's hold

"Do you hate me touching you that much" Mew said as Gulf came to a halt

"I .......... I ........ don't, it's just that......" Gulf couldn't compete his sentence

Mew understood that it was not hate, rather his lover was feeling shy, he could play with that......

"Do you hate me, Gulf?" Mew put on a sad face as he released Gulf from his arms

"I don't" Gulf replied immediately

"But you hate me touching you" Mew's acting deserved an Oscar at this point

"I don't"

"I tried my best to get you to like me, but you don't like me at all" Mew was getting sulky with time

"I like you Mew" Gulf threw the words out

"But for me you are the world, but for you I mean nothing right" Mew, you deserve 2 Oscars now

"No, no, you mean the world to me too" Gulf was getting shy and embarrassed

"I gave you my everything"

"Mew, this is getting ......"

"I love you Gulf to the worlds and ........."

Gulf knew that Mew wouldn't stop talking if he didn't use his precious weapon, Gulf was getting shy with every world Mew was saying so he had to use it...

He took Mew by his tie and pulled him into a tantalizing kiss.... At that moment there was Gulf, Mew and their interlocked lips, everything else froze into place

Being a novice at kissing, he knew not more than lip locking and when Mew came to conscious of what Gulf did, he took the lead and settled it between them.. seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours until Gulf banged Mew's chest asking for release as Gulf was about to faint due to lack of oxygen.....

Once they parted, Gulf slumped into Mew's arms...... once Gulf regained his breath, he looked at Mew

"I love you too" he mouthed as he took deep breaths..... 

His lover was too skilled, it would be difficult for him to escape now


A/N: And there you have my lovelies!!!!

The confession is give your thoughts about it

I was getting all jittery imagine about this as I wrote it......😂😂

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