Chapter 43: Trouble ahead!!

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Bright headed to the bathroom to vomit...... the stress and the sight that he saw made him vomit like crazy.... So Win was just playing with him. He knew it was impossible for guys to like another one, there were only a few like Mew and Gulf that could survive this ordeal. If Win liked that girl why did he make his move on him.....Bright couldn't control his vomiting......

"Bright, are you in there" Win knocked on the bathroom door

Bright opened the door, cleaning up after himself "What do you want?", he stepped outside

"Are you angry at me?" Win started

"No, I am happy, my boyfriend finally has a girlfriend, how can I not be happy" Bright almost spat

"Bright, what you saw is not......."

"I never asked for a justification, you don't have to say anything" Bright said lifting up his hand

"Bright, listen, she is...."

"I am leaving" Bright said as he tried to walk past Win

"Will you ever listen to me!!" Win raised his voice making Bright stop in his tracks. He had never raised his voice at Bright, ever.....

"Go on" Bright took deep breath

"She is my sister, Bright..."

"Yeah right Sister...... wait what?? Sister" Brights brain started functioning again "I don't believe you, don't make excuses........."

"Will you believe me if I say my name is Mellow Opas-iamkajorn" Mellow said from behind Bright making him turn.

Then he realized that Win was not lying but telling the truth. Because of stress he had jumped to conclusion and when he had seen Win "apparently kiss her", he thought they were lovers......

"Hello, brother's friend"

"Hello, I am Bright Vachirawit" Bright said softly

"Can you leave us to talk, Mellow" Win said to Mellow

"I'll see you at the family table" she said as she left them alone

"Bright" Win walked closer to Bright "what will it take you to trust me again?, I am willing to do to anything"

"Win, I am trying my best to stabilize myself, I know what you have done, it is more than enough, it's just that I need time"

"I'll give you all the time you need, but please stay next to me, I can't see you away from me again" Win was smiling like crazy

"Fine" Bright settled now. He was not feeling anymore queasy, neither nauseous........

"Let's go in, what will people think if the main guest is missing" Bright said pulling Win but Win didn't budge

"Come on," Bright said again and within seconds Win had pulled Bright in a back hug and planted a kiss on his neck

"Win....." Bright was startled as he tried to escape Win's hold "" Bright was stuttering

Win turned Bright in his hold so that they were face to face but Bright hid his face in Win's chest. If Bright faced Win right now, Win would see how red he was..

"Look at me Bright" Win was chuckling "Bright, look up, please" Win whispered in Bright's ear turning him more red as Bright shook his head

"mhmm, can I bother the love birds for a second" Mew cleared his throat to gain Win's attention

"Seriously, Mew, can't you find a better time, it was just getting better" Win said almost whining

"The guest of honor is very much needed at the hall, let's go" Mew said as he took Win and Bright along to the hall

Win took Bright to his family table

"Mother, how are you?"

"Look at you acting all grown up, that you don't even contact me" Win's mother said smacking the back of his head

"How are you dad?" Win hugged his father

"Everything is fine"

"Is he your new secretary?" Mother asked

"Yes, he is" Win introduced Bright to his family, he knew Bright wanted take it slow, so he didn't rush with introducing him as his boyfriend

"Isn't he so handsome?" Sam, Win's younger brother commented

"He is mine" Win almost growled at his brother earning a smirk from him...he knew.

"Calm down, I was just admiring" Sam couldn't help but tease his elder brother and Mellow joined in. Mellow saw the interaction earlier, so she couldn't help but tease him

"Your's???" Win's father couldn't help but ask

"Keep your mouth close, husband" Win's mother intervened

"I'll go and meet the other guest" Win said dragging Bright out of his family's view, a second more and they would have teased the hell out of these boys.

On the other side, Mew was not having it any easier with his family

"Mew, you have grown so old, you need to settle down" his mom wanted him married

"I'll settle down when I am ready"

"I have found some potential partners, I'll send the list over" Mew's mom was a traditional mother, she came from a very traditional household and expects her son to follow what the elders have in store for him

"Don't mother, spare me the trouble" Mew said and then turned around to find where Gulf was in the sea of guests

"I already have someone that I am courting " Mew clarified

"Where is she?" His mother said looking around

"Mew, son, there you are" Mew's father said as he approached the table "Meet my best friend, Mr. Lok"

Mew got up and shook hands with Mr. Lok, he knew this was not going the right way......

They discussed a few things here and that is when his dad diverted his attention

"There you are" his dad called out to someone

"Meet my daughter...she just graduated college, but she refused to take my position...she said she wants to learn from the bottom, so she wanted to join another company" Mr. Lok said proudly beaming at his daughter

"Don't worry, Mew will take care of her" he said to him "Mew, get her employed into your company, it's only for 3 months and then she will be working for her father" Mew's dad said before Mew could even say anything

"Yes that's a good idea" his mother chimed in, she had other plans in her mind...

"Hi" the daughter walked towards Mew and extended her hand "I am Pan Lok, nice to meet you Mr.Mew"

Had Mew denied this in front of his business partner, he might lose his reputation. It was only 3 months, Mew thought, he could suck up and deal with it. The only problem was how was he gonna tell Gulf about this, convincing him was never easy....................


A/N: Update is here!!!!

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