Chapter 19: Prove his innocence

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The internal committee justified that Mil was the original owner of the work whereas the external committee had a unclear answer. There was a heated discussion between the two investigating teams, all away for the hearing of Bright and Mil. Mil's confident aura was making Bright nervous by the minute.

"Please behave" was all Mew said to them, he was chairing the discussion along with Win. "I understand your point of view but clearly the internal investigators also don't have clear cut evidence, that doesn't prove Mil to be the original owner" Mew tried to be neutral as possible.

"Well, I knew that it was going to come to this, so I called upon a private investigation, he will be here soon" Win said

At that moment the door opened and a handsome, skinny man entered, he looked only familiar to Win, all whilst Mew smiled.

"Well, well, Good morning everyone. Hope everyone is doing well, Introductions aside, its so sad to see that the investigators couldn't even do a single job of ruling the perpetrator out" tsk, tsk, tsk said the man

And then turned to Mew "you should either change the people or develop the people in the company, especially so that they are not biased to older employees like the internal department" he said pointing to the internal department

"I'll take that into consideration" Mew said to him, nodding his head in agreement.

"One day, no half a day was enough to catch the culprit" the man continued

"Then why didn't you come earlier" Win interrupted

"Had I done so, you would be able to pull out these biased assholes" he smiled slightly

"why don't we call in our possible culprits" one of the executives said

"Why not," Mew turned to his secretary and motioned him to get Bright and Mil to the room.

Once they both arrived they were seated at the center most area and the man started talking again

"Moving on, firstly, the biggest mistake the perpetrator overlooked was the installation of the new softwares in the computer that detects the face ID every time, anyone logs on to their computer, it a very easy process the company developed to handle such cases"

"Mil, are you all right, why are you so red" The man turned to Mil and asked

"Being in the hot seat will make anyone red" Mil replied angrily and fidgeting.

"Continuing on, what the culprit didn't know was that when you transfer the file from one computer to another through a USB, the file path tag doesn't change. It will still tag the previous computers path" the man turned towards the projector and showed the audience the file path


"do you understand what I am taking about" the man continued "or would you like some more evidence"

He kept on clicking the pointer and one by one all the different version of the proposal had the same initial path. 


It was clear as a day about who was the one who stole the proposal.

Mil at this point was sweating buckets and his words were struck in his throat, Bright every second on the other hand was getting more conscious than ever, finally the prayers were getting paid off.

"It is easy to fake a path" Mil said out of the blue

"You are right" the man answer and all hope was lost by Bright at this point "but do you know what the funniest and the easiest thing is that was missed by the internal investigation department, was the authors name on the word folder" the man laughed

He pulled out the different version and opened them on the word and every version had the authors named tagged a "Bright Vachirawit", this was one thing that no one but the parent software had control over.

"Also Mr.Mil all these documents were extracted from your computer and not Brights', also the next time you try to steal try to do things, my advice to you, make sure that all and every camera is not working, especially the computers and secondly, deleting the files from the computer doesn't delete from the hard disk, its easier to extract the deleted file, hope that helps for your future endeavors"

He then opened the log in screen shot and lo and behold, Mil, Mil, Mil, thrice it was logged in and the times all were similar to the timings that he had deleted the folders.

The mouse was trapped with no where to run, even his executive friends could do anything. They were left startled, but they didn't want to put their hand into fire and burn themselves along with Mil. They were so called "Friends with benefit"

"Do you need anymore evidence to prove Brights innocence" Win asked the committee

There was silence all over

"I'll take that as a no" Win continued, excitement creeping out, he just couldn't hold himself, even Mew could detect it.

"Congratulations Bright you have been cleared," then he turned to Mil "you on the other hand to the disciplinary office, I'll see what to do with you"

"Gentleman, the meeting is over" Mew announced and everyone dispersed slowly


A/N: Update ! Update ! Enjoy this part, lovelies

Question time?

1- What do you think would Win do to Mil?

2- What do you want Win to do to Mil?

3- Who is the Skinny man (Private investigator)?

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Have a good night everyone. Stay safe and take care !!!!

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