Chapter 41: Company!!

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Snap!!! how did she know....Win said to himself as he opened his eyes slowly, mom's intuitions, no wonder

He recalled when he acted like he fell asleep the moment Bright opened the bathroom door and even when he had Bright lift him and place him to the bed..................... this was his chance and he was not letting it go and he succeeded.

Thinking of their past memories Win drifted off to sleep and for the first time he had no nightmares



"Win, let me go, hey, Win, I am suffocating, Win" Win was awoken from his sleep when he felt something hit his chest

"hmmm...." Win said slowly opening his eyes and looking at an almost blue Bright hitting him

"Sorry, I didn't realize I was holding you so tight" Win laughed as Bright sat up and took deep breaths

"Don't do this next time" Bright said hitting Win again as Win caught his hand mid-air

"Bright... look at me" Win said to him when Bright was clearly avoiding him "look at me please" when Bright didn't oblige, Win pulled his hand and they fell, Bright with his back on the bed and Win on top of him.............

"Win, what are you........" Bright eyes went wide with shock

"Now you are looking at me" Win smiled

"Get off...." Bright used his other free hand to push Win, but Win held that hand and placed to his side

"I will be straight with you......" Win started "I love you, Bright, I don't want to wait anymore" Win stated his demand clearly

Bright turned pale, then pink and then full on red like a tomato.........."Get off me Win" Bright said as he pushed Win off him and got off his bed and headed to the dresser to get clothes for the day and threw some clothes to Win as well

"Bright, can I get my answer, please" Win pleaded Bright


"I know" Bright said as he rushed and slammed the toilet door

Omg........did he actually confess......... I am so not ready for do I face him..he is taking this too quick........but 8 years, he has the patience....Bright applauded Win mentally

"Bright, can I have your reply?" Win asked from the bed as Bright came out from the toilet

Bright ignored him and went back in again only to be stopped by Win.....

"I need to brush my teeth, Win, excuse me" Bright said trying to push Win

"Let's brush together" Win said as he stepped in as well and put some paste on his and Bright's brush. They stood in front of the mirror and brushed in silence, when Win was done he gargled and started heading towards the bathroom to take a bath, Bright pulled Win's towel and placed his frothy lips on Win's cheek and then he pushed him out and kicked the door behind, he knew Win would make fun of his face if he saw how red he was.

Both the boys got ready and headed to the breakfast table. Bright sat at his usual spot, whilst Win sat on Liz's spot next to Bright

"Go sit there" Bright told Win, pointing at Win's usual place but he didn't budge

"Bro Win that was my place...." Liz came in for breakfast well

"Stop fighting like kids" Mom said as she placed breakfast "have you made up?" She asked as she saw the interaction between Bright and Win, an interaction she has been longing for 5 years

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