Chapter 13: Tea time!

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All the secretaries were jealous of Gulf, not only them but the other employees;so. They all thought that Gulf is going to have an easy life, but boy they were wrong.

Gulf didn't start off as an actually secretary, more like slave to his senior. They ordered him around to get food ad drinks and to do the menial work that the attendees were supposed to do. Every secretary department had 3-4 attended that did this work but the seniors shifted this work to Gulf. Gulf tried keeping up with his work as well as trying to please his seniors, because, they would even get angry when he didn't finish his work.

In the evening,  Mew had important work that he wanted to delegate to Gulf, so he called him over.

Gulf was all excited as his first big work was going to start soon... but little did he know

Knock, knock

"Come in " came the voice from inside

"Good evening, I heard there is work for me" Gulf said trying to hide his excitement

"Yes, there is" Mew said with a mysterious smile on his face

Silence hit the room for a few minutes when Mew continued

"Your first task for me is make me a cup of fragrant earl grey"

As Mew spoke those words, shock and disappointment ranged on Gulf's face, what was he so excited for..... making a cup of tea....!

"huh" was all Gulf could say

"I would like my tea immediately" Mew said as he returned to the papers

Gulf slowly turned towards the door and headed to the tea room to brew some earl grey for his boss.

He opened one of the readymade bags of earl grey and heated some water and poured it into the cup and then took it to Mew

Without knocking he just entered the door making Mew look up from his papers.

"Here's your tea, sir" Gulf said and started to leave the room

"Wait..." Mew said as he lifted the tea cup and sipped the tea elegantly and in the same elegant manner spit the tea out.

"You call this tea..... everything about this is wrong... did you use the readymade teabag for my tea" Mew said almost angrily

Gulf stood there, stunned as he watched Mew. Guess tea was a big deal to Mr.Mew

Gulf went and took the cup from he table and said "I'll get you a new cup of tea"

The next few tries were futile

"Wrong temperature"

"Give the tea leaves a little more time to brew"

"You killed the tea leaves"

"Wrong amount of tea leaves"

"Too watery"

Gulf just couldn't get it right no matter how many time he tries, he always ended up on Mew's bad side.

"Go and call Tar to the office ASAP" Mew said to Gulf and Gulf ran floor down to get the chief of the secretary. 

"Chief Tar, CEO is calling you, " Gulf said to Tar

Tar gave him a quizzical look " why would he send you to call me, he would just call me"

Yep, Mew was just playing around with Gulf at this point. The whole department was laughing at Gulf getting played by the CEO

Then Tar got a text and he and Gulf headed to the CEO's office

"Ah, there you are Tar, take this newbie and explain to him how a perfect earl grey is made"

"But, sir, that is my....." Tar was cut short by Mew

"I give orders around here, not you" Mew then pointed at the door.

Tar gave Gulf a look over and headed out with Gulf following him.

"Listen here, you job stealer, I'll only explain it to you once" Tar said glaring at Gulf

" There are five important things to remember when you are making the earl grey,

the water, temperature, the cup, the measurements and lastly the steeping time"

Tar when on and on for 30 minutes with explaining the process, the process of making earl grey was not as easy as it looked

A tea that Gulf could make in a minute would take Mew 10 minutes before he could get his tea.

After the explanation, Tar turned to Gulf who was scribbling notes on his iPad for the earl grey recipe.

"Now you make the tea" Tar motioned towards Gulf

"Me???" Gulf questioned

"We are the only two people in this room, I am not talking to the air"

Gulf then took Tar's place in front of the stove.

Step 1 was getting fresh, cold, filtered water followed by heating it in the glass pot, as Gulf reached step 8 of pouring the water into the cup with the tea leaves, Tar slightly pushed Gulf not realizing that the push made Gulf stumble and the hot water doused all over Gulf's left hand



Accident much ??

Hope every one is fairing well

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