Chapter 50: Get him back!

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Mew was in Win's office basically annoying him

"What is wrong with him" Win asked Bright in a whisper

"They took break"

"Why are you disturbing my precious time with Bright" Win wanted to be alone but damn Mew was not letting it be

"Mew, give him sometime to think. Your chief of secretary and the new one didn't cut him any slack, even I could see that. How did you turn a blind eye to that........ do the same that you did to Puifai" Win hinted to Mew. Since when was his brother so dumb............

" it the same Puifai, our internship supervisor" Bright questioned

"umhm" Win nodded in conformation.........

He recalled the day the event happened

Win and Puifai's supervisor, Green ware sitting in the meeting room

"Puifai, was this proposal written by you" Green asked again

"Yes, Sir" she said all chirpy

Win was just shaking his head, this one really was in for a problem

"One last time, is this your work Puifai" Win asked this time

"Yes, Sir" Puifai couldn't let this opportunity go

"You can go then..." Green showed her the door



"Did she confess?" Mew asked Win

"Nope, she took the full credit"

"Get her to my office, how dare she..... and that to my Gulf" Win shook his head, how much had Mew fallen for him....

"I'll call for her...."



"Sir, you called" Puifai entered the office

"Sit down...., I read your was well organized, not like your other works" he said as she sat. She didn't know whether it was a compliment or not

"Thank you"

"It came to my notice that you are supervising the new interns"

"Yes, sir...they are a handful but I get the work done after them. I even send them home early cause they are interns and have college work............." On and on she rambled and Mew was not buying any of it

"What are the values of our company, Puifai?"

"Honesty, leadership, commitment.........." She spewed them like she was reading of the book

"EXACTLY........" Mew applauded her "So, how many of these did you break?"

"I don't really understand, Sir" Puifai was getting scared now

"Don't you really understand" Mew said as he turned the monitor toward her and the CCTV showed what he was talking about

"That is enough, if you know what I am talking about. As of today you will be employee Grade 1, you are stripped of your superior Grade 15 position........ and if I see you interacting with the interns and especially Gulf again, you will not even be grade 1.... understand?"

"I understand" Puifai said as she stood up and dashed out of the office....

"That's too much" Win said to Mew

"I dare her to touch him again, she will see hell" Mew almost gave out a sarcastic laugh

"People should think twice before they mess with you"

"So you finally get me bro........ let's go to get tea"

The men left to get some tea break as they watched Gulf and Bright through the monitor working in their offices...............



"Where is she now?" Bright asked Win

"You don't need to know, Bright" Win said as he snuggled up to Bright

"Can't you take this somewhere else" Mew was getting jealous

"You are the one who came to my office Mew" Win corrected Mew, this was his office not the other way around.......he could devour Bright for all Mew could care, in front of him............

"Do you not care about your brother, who is hanging by his neck for his lover to come back"

"You made the mistake, so you find ways to get him back" Win almost taunted Mew

"Damn it" Mew said as he stormed out

"Will he be alright?" Bright was concerned

"If he wants Gulf back he better be" Win said as he cuddled Bright


"Don't, let Mew handle it... it's his business. Let them reach an understanding or else their trust will be taken advantage of"

"I am worried" Bright couldn't help but worry about his friend......

"You better be worried about what is going to happen to you next"

"Don't, the door is not locked"

Win picked up the automatic remote and pressed it as the door locked on its own

"Now it is" Win winked at Bright

"Don't, I have to complete work"

"You don' finished your work for today" Win said pointed at the proposal on the table


"Stop stalling for time can't escape from me"

"I couldn't even if I wanted to" Bright blushed like crazy and well........................


A/N: Updates lovelies!!!!!

My readers are fluffy for #WinBright so here is a small surprise that fits the story

My readers are fluffy for #WinBright so here is a small surprise that fits the story

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His eye say it all..........{Mine, stay away 😭😭}, yes Sir........

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Minechan864© xoxo~~

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