Atsuko's New Name

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x You guys have probably already figured out that the timeline in this is completely different to the show. SO with that being said, don't be angry at the lack of attention past me had to the timeline x

Eijiro's PoV

When lunch rolled around, everyone ran up to Katsuki's and Deku's desks, while Momo dragged Shoto to us. Why do people have to know anymore than what they have already been told. I just want to go each my lunch with my boyfriend, and friends. Then all of a sudden, I hear an angry scream. I look over to see that they had already started the interrogation.

A sigh is released from my lips, as I go over to the crowd of people. I grab Katsuki's wrist, and drag him away, before he could cause anyone harm. When we got out of the classroom, I give him a nasty look. It soon fell to an exhausted look. I'm just not vibing with today. I drag him to the roof of the school, and sit on the concrete. He sits down next to me, and leans on me.

A smile graces my lips at the simple gesture. Maybe today isn't all bad, I still have an amazing boyfriend after all. He might be a bit angry, but still loving. At just that thought, I lean my head atop of his. We could eat later.

"Eijiro?" He questions.

I hum back, letting him know that I was listening to him.

"Did you mean what you said this morning?" He asks very vaguely.

"Which part?" I ask.

"The part about marriage." He says casually.

My face flushes when he said that. I was very fifty-fifty with marriage. I wanted to get married because your commitment and love for another person, but I hate all the faff. Plus I didn't know if I wanted to wear a dress to an occasion like that. I hate dresses, but for some reason the thought of wearing a white dress, as I walk towards the person I decide to marry, just excited me more than a suit. It was all just a bit confusing.

"I mean I've thought about it, yea." I say back.

I hear a slight hum at my statement. He seems lost in thought. I wonder what he's thinking about.

"What you thinking about?" I voice my thoughts.

"Just what I think my future entails." He replies.

"Oh, and what's that." I ask genuinely interested in what he has to say.

"Most of it includes you, kids, a house, and me being the number 1 hero." He says not even missing a beat.

"Of course in your future, you're the number 1 hero." I say with a giggle.

"That's what you took from my answer." He laughed, with a shake of his head.

Our laughter subsides, and we just sit together on the roof of our school is a calming silence. The need to say more not apparent. There was no reason to talk. We felt comfortable enough with each other that we didn't need to say anything, for a conversation to happen. Just the presence of the other is enough to say a thousand words.

A little while passes and I take my head off of Katsuki's. He takes his head off of my shoulder, and just looks at me. I stand up, and lend my hand out to him. He grabs it, and uses it to help him stand up. He goes to let go, but I just hold it tighter. I walk towards the door of the roof, and pull him along with me. We really did need to get something to eat before the bell went. We have training later after all.

(Time Skip Brought To You By Me Not Doing My Homework)

Lunch had finished, and Katsuki didn't get asked anymore questions about the name, because of his outburst earlier. We were currently in class, waiting for out teacher to appear. When Aizawa-Sensei walked in, we were a bit confused. It was training, and All Might had been doing that with us. Pushing that thought aside, we all went silent to hear what he had to say.

"As some of you might of heard, the provisional license exam is coming up. Usually first years don't take it, but with everything that has happened, the school has thought it best that they do." He spoke in a gruff voice.

Everyone grew anxious with every word he said. We definitely weren't ready for this.

"With that being said, you guys still are missing something very important." He continued.

All his dramatic pauses were driving everyone insane.

"You guys are going to pick code/hero names!" He exclaimed with a creepy smile.

That got everyone's attention. People were now excited for this class, which is quite unusual. Most classes that Aizawa-Sensei teaches are boring, and no one really cares for it.

He was about to say something else, but Midnight came crashing through the door with a tower of what looked to be whiteboards. She handed them out to everyone, while telling us a few tips and rules. I hope the one I have had my heart set on is good enough.

One by one everyone came to the front and picked out names. Some got sent back, some more than others. Cough, cough, Katsuki, cough. Then I watched Atsuko go up. This would be interesting. She didn't exactly want to be a pro when we were growing up, so I wonder what she picks. I watch as she walks up, and shows the sigh. It goes silent.

The Rescue Hero - Medusuko

What caused her to pick that.

"Um... honey... why that?" Midnight asked, trying her best not to seem rude.

She was going to sigh why, but then realised that she probably wouldn't understand. Then there was a glimmer in her eyes as if she had an amazing idea. She opened the whiteboard pen, and rubbed away the name she had wrote down, then continued to write quickly. When she had finished, she held the board up to her.

'It's a mix of the Greek mythology gorgon Medusa and my first name.' Is what it said.

Midnight still looked a bit confused.

"And why would she be included in your name?" She continues to ask questions.

She quickly wiped those words off, and writing more. When she turned it round, it made everyone understand it now.

'Medusa could turn people to stone if she looked them in the eyes.'

She was aloud the name, and the class continued on. The bell went, and everyone, packed their stuff away, and left the classroom to go back to the dorms.

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