Found Out

399 11 2

Denki's PoV

We both heard a come in by what sounded like Aizawa. When we walked in we didn't see any other member of staff, only Aizawa-Sensei. It seemed bizarre, but he probably just asked the other teachers to leave, so he could talk to us alone. He gestured for us to sit down on the sofa opposite him, and we did so, still holding hands. We sat in silence, not knowing what to say, or how to start the meeting.

"Kaminari, we think that your dad is running an illegal business, using under aged teens as sex slaves." He calmly spoke.

My mouth dropped, and my eyes widened. I looked over at my boyfriend shocked, and he seemed to be just as shocked at me, but not for the same reason. I didn't know what to say to this man. No one knows about this except for Hanta, and anyone who goes to sir's makeshift basement bar. He has always been really careful with who he lets in, as he doesn't want to get busted, so how did they know.

I'm just going to play dumb, and pretend I don't know what he's talking about. If I act like he's crazy, he may think that he was completely wrong, and doesn't know what he is talking about. Then he will drop the whole subject, and they won't need to check our house. It will all be fine Denki. Just stay calm, and everything will be fine.

"Aizawa-Sensei, why would you ever think that, you've met s-my father before, he's completely normal." I try to say as normal as possible.

"Kaminari, if there is found to be something in your basement, and you try to hide it, you could be charged as being an accomplice. This is very serious." His tone became slightly hostile as he continued.

I take a deep breathe, and try and think everything over. If I continue with this story then I might be charged with charges that I shouldn't, but if I tell the truth, and they don't find any real evidence, then sir will be furious, and my punishment will be worse then it ever has been. I'm not being funny, but sir scares me more than prison, or any form of punishment the government could ever give me.

Just as I was about to continue with my previous statement, the hold around my hand grew tighter. I looked up towards the man holding it, and he had a really serious look on his face, and he was just staring at me. He was slightly biting his lip, as he traced his thumb over the top of my hand. He told them. He did this. This is all his fault. They're going to take sir away from me, and it's all because of him.

I rip my hand away from him, and jump to my feet. My brows twist in a heartbroken fashion. I can't believe he would do this to me. I trusted him not to tell anybody until I was ready, and he went and did it anyway. How could he.

"H-Hanta, did... did you tell them?" I stuttered out.

"Yes, but I wanted to help you. This isn't right or healthy. Please baby listen I wa-" He tried to justify himself but was cut off mid sentence.

"How dare you. How fucking dare you! You promised me! You promised you wouldn't say anything until I was ready! How could you betray me like this! They're going to take the only family I have left, and it's all your fault. I-i." I started to yell, not knowing what to do.

Tears fell from my eyes, creating paths of sorrow and hurt across my cheeks. My golden eyes glistened as the light caught my watery orbs. My hands rushed into my hair, pulling slightly in anger and confusion. I gave an angered look towards Hanta when he tried to walk over to me. I only lower myself to the floor, and cry. There was nothing else I could do. No there was. I could run home to sir now, tell him that someone found out, and that we needed to leave now, or we would get caught.

I only huff at the thought. There was no way that was going to work, and I knew I didn't want it too either. I just stand up from my sitting position on the floor, and look over at Aizawa-Sensei. I nod, telling him his information was correct, and leave the room without Hanta by my side. The hallways were all so quiet, as no one was around once the classes had ended. Another sob left m lips, as I continued my path back to my dorm.

I closed my eyes for a second to wipe my tears away, only to bump into someone, and fall flat on my arse in the process. If I wasn't enough of a screw up, I had to go and knock into someone, and with my look it will be someone who hates me. When I look up, I wasn't surprised when I saw that it was Monoma who stood in front of me. Great.

"Oh well if it isn't a class 1a student. Crying on the floor I see, what did you get a bad grade on your test or something pathetic." He spoke in a snarky tone.

"No, the school just found out that my father sells children for sex." I said in a monotone voice that was unusual for me.

I know I probably shouldn't of said anything to him about this, but I really am just done with today. His face of shock was slightly amusing to see when I told him that. He seemed lost for words. It's not exactly a normal thing to tell someone. I stand up, and go to walk away, but he grabs my wrist with his head down, his hair casting a shadow over his face.

"Did he um... did you ever get used?" He managed to get out.

"What's it to you, what you gonna make fun of me for not being able to stand up to my own dad?" I question.

"No, just answer the damn question." He seemed to be getting agitated.

"Yea, so what you gonna d-" I couldn't finish my sentence.

He hugged me.

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