Katsuki's Cooking

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Eijiro's PoV

When Katsuki left the nurses office, I went straight back to sleep. I didn't really need anymore sleep, I just had the opportunity to. It also made the time in waiting for them to come back, seem shorter. I sleep for a good hour or so, before I wake up again. They had another hour and a bit, before the start of lunch. What am I meant to do in the mean time.

I don't even have my phone on me. I'm so bored. Why can't I go back to class, or even the dorms. Recovery Girl said I was ok. There is nothing to do. I sit up, and look around the room. She seems to be busy with something on her computer. Maybe I could leave the room. That would be fun. I put on the jacket that was next to me, and look one last time at the woman.

I slowly step of the bed, one leg at a time. I have only just realised that I'm not even wearing shoes. Katsuki really rushed when he took me here. I tip toe to the door, and open it as quietly as possible. I walk through, and close it behind me. I let out a sigh of relief, when I know I am not getting caught. I walk out of the school building, and to the dorms. I hope I don't get in trouble for this. I mean I could of just asked her if I could leave. Oh well.

I go to the lift, and click my floor. I wait for the doors to re-open, and walk to what everyone has been calling a flat. My door was left open. I mean I knew he was in a rush, but he couldn't even shut the door. I roll my eyes, and go to my bedroom. I pick up my phone, and play some offline games. I switch between a few, until I get a message.

Katsubabe: wer r u

Me: Im at my dorm y

Katsubabe: Its lunch n evry1 is lukin 4 u tey didn no were u wen

Me: Oops

Katsubabe: Its fine il tel evry1 wer u r im comin ovr now

Me: K cya sun babe

Katsubabe: Ye wateva

I chuckle at his response, and wait for Katsuki to make his way over. It doesn't take him very long. He didn't seem too impressed with the stunt I pulled. I shrug with a half smile. He rolls his eyes, and shakes his head. I let out a low laugh, and then put my phone down. I lay down on my bed, and give him grabby hands. He raises an eyebrow at me.

I pout, and continue to give him grabby hands. He gives me a smirk, and crosses his arms over his chest. I furrow my brows, and make my grabby hands more vigorous. He lightly chuckles at me, but shakes his head no. What do I have to do to get some cuddles. That's all I want. I have an idea. I lower my arms, and make my bottom lip quiver. I make sniffle noises with my nose, and look down with a sad gaze.

I look back up to see that he has a panic expression on his face. Mission accomplished. He rushes over, and tries to give me hug. I don't push away, but I don't accept them either. I just sit there waiting for him do to something. We have about an hour, because that is how long lunch is. Lets hope this goes the way I want it. He sigh in frustration.

"Baby, are you upset with me?" He questions.

He must have his hearing aids in. I nod my head in response. I was quite upset at what he just did. All I wanted was some attention, and he didn't give me any.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I thought it would be funny, but it wasn't." He apologises.

I shake my head again. This was actually quite fun. I can basically make him do anything I want now. He is in my control. He feels bad for what he did, and now wants to fix it. I don't know if what I want will only take an hour, but I'm not going back to class today anyway.

"What can I do to make it up to you?" He asks.

"Will you do anything?" I question in a sad, but cute voice.

"Anything, if it make you happy." He replies.

"I want you to go to my kitchen, and cook me a really fancy meal." I respond.

He looks at me with an almost confused expression. It's lunch time, I'm was hungry. Plus, I'm gonna need energy for what I want to do later. He removes his arms from around me, and leaves the room. I hear him open the fridge, and turn the oven on. I have no idea what he is making, but I know it will taste amazing. I just hope he doesn't make it spicy.

I hear him clanging some pans around, and the sink being used. I can't wait for it to be done, I'm starving. After a while, I hear nothing but footsteps. He must be done, I mean it took him long enough. I'm a patent person, but he really did take a long time. He opens my door, and motions me over to him. I walk up to him, and he puts his hand over my eyes. I laugh at his actions.

He leads me to the open area, and pushes my shoulders down. I end up sitting on a chair. I takes his hands away from my eyes, and I am shown a beautiful plate of food. I slightly gasp at the food in front of me. I look up at him, and give him a huge smile. I grab the collar of his blazer, and pull him down to my level. I join our lips together in a kiss. It wasn't full of lust or need, only love and happiness.

I pull away, and turn back round to the food. I spent ages waiting for this, I'm not letting it go cold before I get even one bite. I thank him for the food, and take my first bite. It tasted way better than it looked, if that was even possible. I could feel the sparkles in my eyes, as I chewed. Itsumi is a great cook, don't get me wrong, but if I could eat his cooking for the rest of my life, I would. He takes a seat next to me, and eats his food. We finish eating, and he washes up.

Now for the fun part.

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