Bringing Bakugo Back

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Katsuki's PoV

I was the happiest that I could ever be. I know that I have just been kidnapped and tortured beyond belief, but I now have a boyfriend. Wait! I have a boyfriend! I don't deserve him. He deserves way better than a nobody like me.

I'm just a hopeless wanna be hero child. I'm a stuck up brat who wishes for people to think of him as someone to look up to, and want to save them. No one will look up to me. He is the sweetest and nicest person I have ever met and he falls for me? A child who can't even conceal his anger. What a disappointment of a human being I am, if you could even call me a one.

I get brought out of my thoughts by my hand loosing heat. I look down at my hand to see that Eijiro's hand was no longer in mine. I look up to him to see he's pointing at something. Following his arm to see he's pointing at a big LED sign. I watch the screen with my full attention to see All Might appear.

He's all worn out, and on the brink of death. The whole time I was having a good time with Eijiro, and All Might was fighting a man that everyone in the miserable world hated. Soon enough the fight ended and All Might won, but not without a cost. He won the battle but his buff 'disguise' was blown. He pointed at the screen that was showing his fight live and said something. And at these times it's when I wished that my quirk didn't effect my hearing making me deaf.

He probably said something really motivating and important, but my worthless ass couldn't even give him (the best hero the world has ever seen) the satisfaction that everyone knew what he wanted to tell everyone. I let him down. I couldn't believe it. He was done.

Then it hit me over the head like a brick. A wash of guilt. I did this. I was the one to end All Might. If I didn't get kidnapped, then he wouldn't of had to fight All for One. If I wasn't so weak, he would still be here fighting, and saving everyone. He would still be giving everyone hope that there is nothing to worry about, because he will always be there to save you. I've put everyone I wanted to save in danger, all because I couldn't stand my ground.

Without me knowing, tears stream down my face. My cheeks gaining unwanted colour, as well as my nose that has now started to run. My mouth slowly opens as I cover it with my hands to try and quieten myself, even though I don't even know how loud it is. My vision only continues to be blurry, as my tears continue to drop out of my eyes.

Suddenly, I'm taken into a hug. With no energy left in me to fight back, I hold onto the person for dear life. I don't care if the person looks at me differently from this, or if other people look at me strangely. I just need someone to hold. Someone who can save me from my own horrible inner thoughts. Whoever this person is, I want them in my life forever. Just their touch calms me down more than even my own mother could.

My grip on the person tightens ever so slightly. I never want to let go of them. My breathing starts to slow down as I breath in the scent of the person I'm holding close to me. My eyes open somewhat to try and see the person who has come to my aid. And when I see who was holding me, I wasn't afraid anymore to completely let go of everything.

I cry and cry, until I couldn't cry anymore. Water streamed out my eyes forever. There was enough to give everyone in Africa baths for months to come. My eyes grew dry, and my cries subsided. My breathing slowed down once more, before I lost consciousness.

Eijiro's PoV

I was watching All Might on screen, until I heard muffled tears from the person beside me. I turn and to my displeasure it was Katsuki. I have no idea what is going on with him, but whatever is happening, I want to help him get through this. Without thinking I pull him into a hug. He instantly hugs me back, and we stand there for a while. I've had dreams about this hot headed blonde being in my arms, but this isn't what I meant.

At one point, he pulled away to look at me. I only give him a soft smile. He continues to cry in my arms. I don't mind him crying on me. Even though my shirt is soaking wet and people might see my binder. Damn it! Who wears a white top to a rescue mission? An idiot, that's who. Oh well. Comforting him is my main priority.

After awhile he goes limp in my arms. Concern fills me before I realise he's just gone to sleep. All that crying must have worn him out. A smile crosses my lips as I pick him up bridal style. His arms tightens, and he nuzzles into my chest. I walk through the crowd, and I take him back to his place. I've been here a couple of times so I know the way by now.

I knocked on the door and I hear a clash and some yelling from inside. Soon enough the door opens, and out comes Katsuki's mum Mitsuki. I see her eyes widen when she sees the boy in my arms. She opens the door more, inviting me in. I place her son on the sofa, and then walk toward her to tell her about what has just went down (missing out the part about us making out and asking each other out)and sadness fills her.

When I was done telling her everything, I said my goodbyes, to be stopped by her grabbing my arm. I give her a questioning look, before I'm quickly pulled into a hug by non other than Mitsuki herself.

"Thank you so much for bringing my son home to me Eijiro! I can't thank you enough. My son is such a handful sometimes, but you somehow managed to bring out the best in him. And to that I'm eternally grateful. Please never leave my sons life." she basically pleaded.

A smile crosses my lips as I tighten my hug with Mitsuki. She really is a good woman. I pull away before reassuring her I'm never gonna leave her sons life, and say goodbye. I open the door and say goodbye one last time, before making my way home. This has been one of the most eventful days of my life. As soon as I got home, I get into bed and go fast asleep. It was a school night after all.


When writing this the corona virus has everyone in quarantine. I hope all of my lovely readers are safe, and are ok. This virus is taking over everyone's life and putting many of our studies on hold, but I don't really mind that this is happening as long as everyone is healthy and stays that way. I am so grateful you guys are reading my story, but just make sure that you stay healthy. I may not know you guys personally, but that won't stop me worrying about you all.

Onto a more happier note, I've noticed that there is quite a lot of people that read my story. I was wondering if my readers wanted a special name I could call you. Maybe something cute like rainbows or kittens or maybe angels. I'm not very good at names, but I would love for some suggestions from you guys. Just remember to stay safe and I love you guys.


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