Tea with the Bakugo's

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Eijiro's PoV

I was dragged upstairs by Bakugo, in the middle of listening to Mitsuki's question. I was dragged out the kitchen to the hallway and upstairs. We walked across the landing, and the to the right.
He drags me into the room, walks behind me and closes and locks the door.

'Hey Bakugo what were those things your mum gave you?' I sign to Bakugo.

"My hearing aids. But I don't like wearing them. They're annoying." He says.

"Oh, I didn't know you had some. They look pretty manly though. The orange x is cool bro." I say back.

He only rolls his eyes before sitting on his bed, and flopping back. I giggle at his actions and walk over to the side of his bed. I lean my head back, and rest it on the bed. I sit there with my eyes closed for a few minutes, before I feel something on my head.

It's not an unpleasant feeling, just not one I was expecting. I slowly open my eyes to see Bakugo's room again. The feeling still there in my hair. He's slowly pacing his fingers through my red hair. A slight hum leaves my lips, as it continues. It continues for a little longer, but it stops. I look behind me to see Bakugo with a smug smile on his face. I roll my eyes at him and then get up to sit next to him on the bed.

Sitting down I have a thought in my head. It's risky, but if it works it will be great. I sit down and then lean my head against his shoulder. He doesn't shove me off so that's a good sign. I get my phone out, and go on Instabook. Scrolling through posts from my friends, until I've liked them all, regardless of how stupid some of Kaminari's are. I turn my phone off, and snuggle more into Bakugo's shoulder.

He giggles before he rests his hand around my waist, and rests his head atop of mine. I giggle to myself more and close my eyes.

Bakugo's PoV

I sitting here with shitty hair, and he leans into me. I'm kinda shocked, but it's good. I don't mind it at all. I lean my head against his, and a small smile appears on my lips. It's quite nice to know that he probably likes me back. I mean he is making lots of moves on me. He is very cute with that stupid smile of his.

~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~

We were just sitting on my bed, enjoying each other's company, when there was a knock on the door. I knew it was probably my mum, so I pushed shitty hair away before yelling what.

The door opens to reveal my dad this time. Well that's not so bad, he's an ok person. It gets annoying at how shy and quiet he is though. He says about how tea is done and for us to come downstairs. With a quick nod he leaves.

I let go of my breath (I didn't know I was holding), before looking at shitty hair. He smiles as I roll my eyes. I grab his hand and drag him downstairs again, and to the left. We walk through the kitchen and into the next room which is the dining room.

I let go of his hand, and shove him into the seat next to where I was gonna sit. I sit down, and then shitty hair goes to say thank, but I slap his hand. I don't understand why he is so formal. Maybe his parents are really formal too.

Come to think of it, who are his parents. He lives with pink chic, but they aren't siblings, so does he not live with his parents. Or maybe Pink chic's parents adopted him and his sister. Who even are Pink chic's parents.

I get brung out of my thoughts by shitty hair tapping my shoulder. I stare at him for him to smile.

'Are you good bro? You looked a little dazed there.' He signs.

"Shitty hair I have my hearing aids in, you can speak. And I told you to stop calling me bro, it's weird." I say back.

He only rubs the back of his neck with a nervous look, and then apologises. Why is he so nice to me I'm always so rude to him. I mean I call him shitty hair for crying our loud.

Mitsuki's PoV

I don't really understand the kind of relationship these boys have, but I'm pretty sure it's not just a "bro" thing. Katsuki hasn't come out to me, but I'm pretty sure he's at least bisexual.

I have my bets with Inko that he's gay, but she thinks that he's bisexual. Not to mention, I have my bets that her little boy Izuku is gay too. I was also talking to Rei the other day and she thinks that her little Shoto is gay as well. I mean all the kids now a days are gay really.

Anyway, I'm loosing the point. The point is I'm pretty sure Katsuki has a crush on this one. This means I have to ask lots of questions and embarrass my son. This will be fun.

"So Kirishima was it honey?"

"Yes it was ma'am"

"Oh like I already said Mitsuki is fine. So do you go to the same school as Katsuki?"

"Yes I do Mitsuki. It's quite expensive so I'm shocked they even considered letting me go"

"Why is that? I'm sure that your parents would put any amount of money they could just to let you get there."

"Actually Mitsuki I don't live with my parents. They left me last year when they found out I was gay, so I'm living with a friend now. Me and my sister are."

Well that got depressing fast. Wait! Did he just say his parents threw him out after they found out he was gay. What kind of person would do that. I feel like Kirishima is better off without those people as his parents anyway.

"How disgusting! I can't believe they kicked their own children out of their home just because they didn't like who they wanted to date!"

I voice shows clear anger, just like the scowl on my face does. I can't believe someone would do that. I could never do that to a person. Their just children. My husband rubs my arm softly, which grabs my attention. He gives me a pointed look, befrore I realised I'm being my usual loud self.

The rest of the meal goes smoothly. I ask him a few more questions like where he learned to sign. Just a few less personal questions after the last one. Everything goes well and he leaves. I hope he come again for tea. It would be nice for Katsuki to be able to keep a friend for once.

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