Meeting The Parents

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Shota PoV

Today me and Toshinori are going to each of the kids in 1-A's house, and asking if they will let their kids stay in dorms. After Bakugo being kidnapped, we think it's the safest thing to do. They are complete idiots, and probably would be taken while just walking to the school. We've already built it, so lets just hope all the parents say yes.

Toshinori asked if he could see Midoriya's parents on his own, so I was on my way to Mina's. I've heard from Nezu that this household is a bit different to others. I didn't know what he meant by that, but I was prepared for anything. I took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. I stand there for a bit waiting for the door to open. I wish I was at home sleeping.

The door opens to a lady with bright yellow hair. I tell her who I am, and she invites me in. She kind of reminds me of Aoyama's mum. She leads me to the living room, and I take a seat on the sofa. It was a nicely decorated room. She brings back a pot of tea, and offers me some. I politely decline, before I ask her a few questions.

"How many people live in this house?"

"Let me just count, me, Kimiko, daughter and twins, so that's five. Five people live here." She smile.

"Who are the other four?" I ask.

"My wife Kimiko, my daughter Mina, and the twins Atsuko and Eijiro why?" She asks back.

"Wait as in the twins in my class?" I question.

"Yea. Did you not know that I'm their caregiver after they got kicked out?" She continue to ask.

"I didn't know they didn't live with their parents. Why did they get kicked out?" I say.

"Oh because their parents are homophobic and they're both gay." She said like it was nothing.

We continue to talk about the children, and I learn many knew facts about the kids I teach. This lady was very talkative. I'm not usually one for chit-chat, but she makes it almost natural. That reminds me of someone. I smile slightly at the thought of my fiancé. Damn we got side tracked. I'm here to ask about the dorm. How did I get this far in a convocation?

"Anyway, I came to ask an important question." I say.

"Go on dear." She replies.

"We want to put all the kids in dorms to keep them safe. Would you be up to putting them in?" I ask.

"Oh, um. Well I would have to wait for Kimiko to answer a question like that. I'm sure it will be fine, but I don't want my wife to be excluded in this decision." She says.

"Well when will she be back, I can come back later once you've made a decision?" I ask.

"About 6o'clock. You can come around half past and have a meal with us. Oh do you like.." She rambles.

"How about I come at 7o'clock when you finish eating? I wouldn't want you to change what you have planed to eat because of me." I say.

"You wouldn't be a bother, but you can come back at seven if you so wish." She says.

I nod and wave the lovely lady goodbye. I walk to the car, and think about the lady more. She was so nice. I should ask when I come back if she wants to be friends. Oh we could have her wife over too. I'm never really this excited about making plans with other people unless it's with Hizashi. It's nice to have this feeling about other people too.

-----(Time Skip brought to you by my gay thoughts)-----

I was now on my way back to the Ashido household. Everyone else said that they were going to let their kids stay at the dorms. This will also be the first time I see Itsumi's wife. I think she's called Kimiko. That's a nice name. I hope she's as easy to talk to as Itsumi. I knock on the door kind of excited to meet the other lady.

The door is opened by Ashido. I say hi and ask if I can see her mothers. She opens the door more, and I walk into the living room. When I do I see that Itsumi is on the sofa, sat next to the lady that I presume to be her wife. Now I know why Ashido is pink. They do look very different. I smile at the two ladies, and take a seat on the sofa.

"Have you two discussed about the dorms?" I ask.

"Yea we think it would be a good idea. We want the kids to be safe." Itsumi said.

I smile at her statement. I can tell that she seriously cares for these kids. I know that I care about my son a lot. He may not be biologically related, but that will never affect my feelings for him. I'm glad that she agreed. I talk to the two of them more. They are very nice people. Kimiko isn't like how I expected, but she's not a bad person. I'm kind of nerves to ask her if we can be friends.

"Oh Aizawa could I maybe have your number? I consider you a friend, and it would be nice to have a way to keep in contact." She asks.

This woman is amazing, it's like she read my mind. I nod, and gave her and Kimiko my number. They sent a message so that I could save their numbers. We talk for a bit more, but it's starting to get late. I need to be getting home to Hizashi soon. I tell the women that it's late and I need to get home to my fiancé. I wave good bye, and head home.

I message Hizashi about my new friends. He seems as excited as I am about the ladies. I get home and give him affection. We do some marking and head to bed. Finally, I get to sleep. Talking to all those parents drained me. Especially Bakugo's. I can tell he gets his 'personality' from his mum. She does seem a bit violent though. I hope it isn't more than a quick smack, and not abuse. I brush that thought away, and go to sleep.

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