Mama Mina Activated

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Mina's PoV

I know for a fact that this blond guy is Kirishima's type. He is tough and moody. Or manly is his words. I don't know why he would ever wanna be friends or date someone like him. I know for a fact he is mean to Deku-kun.

I mean how can someone be mean to Deku-kun. He is so sweet and kind. If I wasn't a lesbian, I probably would find him attractive.

Getting away from this topic, I need to sign to Bakugo without Kirishima seeing it. With this in mind I get Kaminari and Sero to cover his eyes. Yea that'll do. It's not like it's gonna take more than a few seconds.

I walk up to Bakugo, getting his attention. He is about to sign something, but I push his hands down. Taking a deep breath, I start to sign these exact words to Bakugo.

'If you ever hit or hurt Kirishima in any way shape or form, I will come for you.'

I sign this very aggressively, to put my point across that I'm being stern. This is my 'son' we're talking about. I can't let him get hurt. Plus I didn't make it too obvious that he likes him.

I sit back down in my seat, and continue eating. The boys let go of Kirishima, and do the same. Just as Bakugo was about to leave, Kirishima grabs his arm. He turns around with a confused angry face.

I could tell what Kirishima was going to ask, but he was struggling. So instead I helped him out. I wave my hand about to try and get his attention, which indeed works. I sign the following.

'Hey you look kinda lonely over there. Would you wanna eat with us?'

I end it with a soft smile to showed I cared and meant it. I could see his eyes falter for a second before they go back to angry. He only signed a whatever, before grabbing his stuff and coming back. Now that wasn't too hard.

First day of school and I've already made three new friends, making it five of us. That's just the correct amount of people for a friend group. Not to many to make it feel like it doesn't matter if you end up leaving, but not too few so it makes you feel like no one wants to be your friend. It's a good middle.

We continue to eat our food. Signing at the same time as eating is kinda hard, but I managed. Bakugo never really contributed, so Kaminari and Sero didn't really get confused with the signing. The only problem arose when Bakugo couldn't understand what those two were saying.

Kirishima ended up helping him out by signing it all for him. Which was very sweet on his behalf.

Lunch soon came to a close, and our final period of classes would begin. Ugh! I hate lessons, they're so boring. I don't understand why I need to know math, if I'm going to be a super hero.

Like I'm not gonna calculate the angle of a triangle made with cement to see the best possible place to rescue someone, am I. No! I'm gonna wing it as the building could collapse at any moment, and kill the person inside.

Anyway class was boring. And saying it was soon over would be a lie. It took forever for it to end. But it finally did.

Once I had packed all my things in my bag, I went up to Kaminari and Sero. I dragged them over to Kirishima, to then go to Bakugo. He jumped slightly in the air, as he couldn't hear us coming. I signed to ask if he was free after school. He just looked at me confused, then showed me the homework we got.

'Um is that a yes or a no?' I signed

'A no pink chic. If homework is given then I have to do it.' He signed back.

'Hey I have a name!' I signed aggressively.

'Well you never told me what it was' he had a fair point. I didn't.

But that doesn't make up for him calling me pink chic. That is not how it works. It's simply rude to call a lady a chic. Especially to her face.

'It's Mina' I signed

'I prefer pink chic' this set me off

'Ugh why am I being nice to you. You're so mean' I've had enough at this point.

'Ok ok let's all calm down. Bakugo you don't call a girl a chic and Mina, if he wants to do his homework after school, let him' Kirishima intervened and signed.

Everyone let out a sigh. Bakugo left to go home I presume. Kaminari and Sero, left while I was arguing with Bakugo. Well, that just leaves me and Kirishima to go home together. This wouldn't be an issue as we live together.

Well, what an eventful day. I hope the rest of the year doesn't have this much energy put into everyday. I might be dead by the end of it.

Unintentionally Loving it (Bakushima) (Trans Kiri)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang