A little hidden talent

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Kirishima's PoV

Confusion lurking on my face, I stare at Bakugo to tell me why he tapped me on my shoulder. I stared for a while, but he continued to say nothing. With a clear of my throat, I spoke up.

"Hey Bakugo, what's up?" Is what I said as it was a normal thing to say. Right?

He continued just to stare at me. He was fiddling with his hands a lot. Wait a second. He isn't just fiddling with them, there quite distinct movements. Ohhhh Bakugo is deaf. I think.

This is so lucky. It's like we were made for each other. Not quite literally, but my sister was born deaf, so I know sign language.

I lift his hands up so I can see them more clearly. He blinks shocked, but starts to make hand gestures. He isn't very smooth with his hand movements, which I'm thinking he is implying he is angry or something.

I watch his movements carefully, as I don't want to miss anything he is trying to say.

'Hey, I'm Bakugo. Useless Deku said you were talking about me. What's up with that.' Was what he signed. From what I saw.

I sigh in relief. I think for a second as jsl is my second language not my first. After I figure out what I am going to say, I lift his chin to look at me, to signify I was about to sign.

'Oh sorry bro, I didn't mean to make you worried. We weren't saying anything bad. That would be rude to say about someone we've never met' it was a quite long sign, but he seemed to catch on to everything I was saying.

No less then a second passed before he signed again.

'I wasn't worried. It doesn't matter if you were, I wouldn't be able to hear you. Plus where did you learn jsl?'

'My sister was born deaf, so I learnt jsl so I could speak to her without her feeling bad about not being  able to hear.'

Our convocation went on for a bit, until I heard a noice from behind me. It was in the middle of when I was signing. I quickly sign a quick apology, and see what that noice was about.

I completely forgot about Mina and her friends being sat at the table. I give them an awkward smile. Mina knows how to sign, as she was also really good friends with my sister.

As Mina knows sign, she knew everything we were talking about. Well just about, she probably couldn't see all of it. Mina just sits there trying to think of what to say next. She does her signature thinking pose with her hand on her chin. Making me and her friends laugh.

She soon stands up, and slots herself right in between me and Bakugo. Before I can even usher a word out, she pushes me to the side, asking the two boys to cover my eyes, so I can't read her signing.

Unintentionally Loving it (Bakushima) (Trans Kiri)Where stories live. Discover now