Terrible Thoughts

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Katsuki's PoV

After the whole lunch with my 'family', I was in a weird state of mind. My mum had kept that she for one was into girls, but also that her marriage with my dad wasn't going well. I never thought that my dad would be a cheating bastard, it makes me sick. Not only that, but Deku and Icy-hot are going to be my step brothers. I found out so much stuff in a matter of a few hours, it's making my head hurt.

When I do get back to Eijiro's room, I collapse on the sofa. There is so much to prosses, I just need to breath. I turn the telly on. Eijiro must of heard, because he came out of the bedroom. He comes over to the sofa, and snuggles up to me. I smile at his actions, and just accept his cuddles. We just watch the tv like this, until he speaks up.

"What's on your mind, you seem out of it?" He questions.

"As you know I went to lunch with my mum and aunts?" I ask.

He hums in response, letting me know that he was listening.

"Well it turns out that they're dating each other, and my parents are getting a divorce." I say.

As soon as those words leave my mouth, Eijiro sits up and looks at me shocked. He clearly wasn't expecting me to say that. Imagine how I'm feeling. My own parents are splitting up, and I ,their son, couldn't even tell they weren't happy. What kind of son does that make me? As those thoughts cross my mind, I look down, trying to hide how I felt.

"Kat " He tries to say something, but is completely lost for words.

"I don't even care if there splitting, or that my mum likes two other women, or that I'm going to be related to Deku, and that stupid half-n-half." I tell him truthfully.

"Then why are you upset Kat?" He asks.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a pathetic reason that is trying to make the situation about me, like I always seem to do." I answer.

"Just watch the telly." I say.

He seems unconvinced, but lets me have the last word nonetheless. We sit and watch the tv, until we hear a knock on the door. I look at Eijiro to see if he was expecting some one, but he seems as clueless as me. It can't of been the squad either, because they just waltz in like they own the place. I stand up, and go to the door. I open it to see my 'brothers' and their partners.

"What do you extra's want?" I ask.

"Well we were told what happened, and I thought it would be nice if we all went for dinner." Frog said.

"No." I say.

As I'm about to close the door, Eijiro comes rushing over from the sofa. He re-opens the door, and gives them an apologetic look. Why is he trying to apologies to them, what for? He then turns his head over to me, and gives me an angry look. What did I do? He straightens himself out, and smiles at them. Oh so they get a smile, but I don't. Tch, like I care.

"We would love to go, wouldn't we Kat?" He says politely, giving me a death stare.

"What I just said, ugh, fine." I comply.

"Great, lets go." Deku says excitedly.

"Wait, I'm not even dressed to go out." Eijiro said quickly, before rushing back inside to change.

I shake my head in disbelief, he looked fine to me. I just stand, leaning against the doorway, waiting for him to finish changing. We stand waiting awhile, so I go to check on him. Walking into the room, I see that a load of his clothes were on the floor, and he was in his wardrobe pulling stuff out. What in the world is going on?

"What are you doing? The room's a mess." I ask.

"Looking for good clothes, these are your bothers, I don't want to look bad." He says.

"Ei, everyone there already knows and likes you, it's not a big deal. Plus it's only dinner." I respond.

"Ugh, you don't get anything. This is completely different, what looks better, red or black?" He blabbers on.

"Red, and no it's not. They just want to 'bond' with you." I try to tell him.

He takes off his t-shirt, and puts the red shirt on. He then grabs some black trousers from the draws at the bottom of the wardrobe, and holds them up. He then grabs a grey pair, and does the same. He switches between the two, then looks at me quizzically. I let out a bored breathe, before pointing at the black pair. He nods at my suggestion, and changes from his joggers. He puts on some lip balm, and then holds his hand out to me.

"You done?" I ask.

He just nods at me, and I take his hand. We walk out the room, and back to the door, that I left open. Eijiro waves at them, and we exit the room. I lock the door before we leave.

"So where exactly are we going?" I question.

"Somewhere expensive, because my dad is paying." Is all IcyHot tells me.

I look over to Eijiro, and he gives me a smirk, and has this look in his eyes like he's trying to prove all that panicking wasn't for nothing. I only roll my eyes. The panic really was for nothing, but it is a good thing that he changed. He would have felt self conscious, if he went there wearing joggers, and everyone just stared at him in disgust at his choice of clothing.

We walk out the dorm building, and to the schools gate. When we were outside of the school grounds, me and Eijiro were going to walk down the hill, when IcyHot stops me. I give him an aggravated stare, before a black car is seen coming up the hill. I look away from the boy in front of me, and go over to my boyfriend. I wrap him in a hug, trying to release all my anger by being by my favourite person. It does work.

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