First Argument

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Katsuki's PoV

Eijiro fell asleep on me while a random soap was on. I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of disappointed he didn't want to keep the kid, but that's fine. He didn't want it, and I'm here to help him every step of the way. I know it couldn't of been easy for him to do that, but it's for the best. That is what I have to remember. We aren't cut out for having kids, not yet at least.

I run my fingers through his hair, and continue to watch the unrealistic drama. I watch the tv for a few hours, until lunch comes around. I carefully move from under Eijiro, and go to over his kitchen. I make us chicken ramen. I put them on the table, and wake Eijiro from his nap. He slowly sits up, and rubs his eyes tiredly. He looks at me and then gives me an eyes shut, closed mouth smile. Let me tell you it was the cutest thing I have ever seen.

I pick him up, and put him on my hip. I walk over to the kitchen table, and place him in front of one of the bowls of food. He says thanks, before digging in. We eat our food, while keeping a casual conversation. Once we finish, I wash up the bowls, and Eijiro watches whatever is on the tv. I join him on the sofa when I realise something. I quickly sit up, startling Eijiro.

"What's wrong Kat?" He asks.

"We have math homework." I quickly reply

He sits there a second trying to comprehend what I just said, then it hits him. His eyes widen with realisation, and he rushes from the sofa to the front door. He runs back with both our bags in his arms. He places the bags on the coffee table, and looks at them for a second. He sits down next to me, and breathes out a long sigh. I chuckle at him.

I go through our bags, and take out our homework. I put the bags on the floor, and place the homework in front of both of us. He takes one look at the work we have to do, and I hear a long grown leave his lips. I role my eyes at his actions, and get to work on the homework. It's pretty easy, since we already did this type of thing in class.

When I did finish my homework, I looked over at Eijiro to see how far he had got. Only to see he's not even half way through. Taking I deep breathe, I look him up and down and ask him if he needed help. I kid you not. He slowly turned his head my way with tears brimming his eyes and says, no I got it. Me being the wonderful boyfriend I am, kissed his cheek, and went on my phone.

Apparently, that was not the correct answer. He, in fact, did want help, but just wanted me to know. I mean I physically asked him if he wanted help, and he said no. How was I supposed to know he meant yes.

"And that is why Shitty Hair won't even look at me, never mind let me sit at that table. That I why I'm sat here." I tell Shitty Deku and his nerd squad.

"You didn't help your boyfriend with homework you just finished, when he was clearly about to cry?" Pink Cheeks asks me.

"He said no to the help!" I yelled at her.

"But he was about to cry Kacchan, why would you just let him sit there and cry?" Deku spoke.

"Because you cry all the time when your stuck. I thought it was normal for others to cry all the time. I didn't realise that you were just a cry baby!" I screamed at him.

"Calm down, It's not Midoriyas fault this all happened. Just apologies for it, and I know Kirishima will accept it. From what I've got from him, he doesn't seem the type to hold a grudge." The damn half n half spoke.

"Why am I even getting relationship advise from a bunch of single shit heads? I'm going to ask Atsuko, she will give me better advise. Fucking apologies. Tch." I walk away.

"We aren't single!" I hear frog yell as from behind.

I walk over to my normal table of people that aren't extras, and tap on Atsuko's shoulder. I sign to ask if I could talk to her for a second. She looks me up and down suspiciously, and with disgust. She roles her eyes, and complies with my request. We walk to the corridor were we would have privacy from the few people who can understand sign.

'What do you want?' She signs.

'Eijiro is mad at me, and I want to know how to fix it. I mean out of everyone, you should know.'

'I don't understand how you went wrong, I mean he literally adores you. If you say sorry, it will be fine.' She signs.

'Do you really think only saying sorry will make things better between us?' I question her.

'Yea, he isn't that hard to please. Plus, he's just being petty. He isn't really upset, he just wants to see how you will react.' She continues to sign.

'Are you being serious? He's not actually mad.' I sign.

'Well he is, but not as mad as he is making out he is. Just go say sorry.' She finishes.

I nod my head in thanks, not wanting to admit that I actually got help from someone else. I go over to my normal table, and try to get Eijiro's attention. When I tap him on the shoulder, he just looks at me and turns around. When I try to speak to him he doesn't reply. What am I meant to do? How can I say sorry to someone who won't let me take them aside to speak to them. This is so difficult.

"Eijiro, please listen to me. I'm sorry, I'm not the best with social cues, please just don't stay mad at me. I don't like you not talking to me. It's not even been a day and I'm going insane without being able to just hold your hand." I say.

He turns around with a smile on his face. He stands up, and wraps his arms around me. I stand there stiff at first, not really knowing what to do when were in public. I just hold him in my arms, waiting for his response. My heart is pounding so loud I'm starting to get a headache. If he's hugging me, that means he's accepting my apology, right? Right.

"That's all I needed to hear. Now never let me do homework by myself again." He complains.

"I won't Ei." I reply.

I can't hold back the smile I gain, from Eijiro talking to me again, so I just hide my face into his shoulder. We stand in an embrace for a bit longer, before the bell goes off, signalling that lunch is over. We walk to class hand in hand, just like the little argument never happened.

People are confusing.

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