I Love You Ei, Please Don't Leave Me

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Katsuki PoV

I stood at the door of the roof, screaming at Eijiro to come away from the edge. I didn't want him to die, and no one else cared about this gender thing. The only one who made a fuss was Mineta, and he is going to pay once I get Eijiro back in my arms. Tears streamed down my face, as my lover contemplates his next move. For the love of all things holy, will he please just run into my arms.

Everything is silent, except for the soft breeze the wind is giving us. Eijiro was looking out to the rest of UA, so I had no idea what he was going to do. I just had to hope that he loved me enough to turn away from the edge. If he jumps off that edge right now, then I'm following. There is no way in hell that I'm living in a world were he isn't in it.

"Please Ei, I love you. Don't do this." I pleaded.

I didn't care that other people were around, I just wanted my boyfriend to be safe. I don't care if I have to beg in front of everyone who has ever seen me, if that's what it takes. I will do anything for him to come back to me. He turns his head towards me, and our faces match. Tears running down our equally red faces.

"If I go Katsuki, then you can date a real boy, not a phoney. No matter how much I love you, you deserve someone better." He spoke.

The entire time having a smile plastered on his face. Why was he so happy? He was at the edge of a building, about to leave everything he loves behind. How can he be so calm? I reach my hand out towards him, and looked at him with my brows upturned, and my bottom lip twitching. Desperation was the only emotion that I had. I was desperate for him to come away from the edge.

"But I don't want anyone else. I want you, and you aren't a phoney. I love you Ei, please don't leave me." My voice shakily begged.

I could see him take a deep breathe, before turning around once more. I took this as my chance to rush up to him. If he doesn't hear my footsteps, then I can hold him back from jumping. I quietly start to move towards him, until I hear him breathe out a breathless sigh of a fine. I stopped moving, as Ei stepped over the fence.

As soon as both of his feet were over the railing, I rushed over to him. I take him into a tight embrace, letting water stream from my eyes. My hand holding onto the back of his top for dear life. The thought of letting go never crossing my mind. My legs soon gave way, from the adrenaline leaving my body. My grip tightened on him so I wouldn't fall, but it seemed he had the same problem as we fell to the ground in each others arms.

All sound seemed to disappear. The sound of all our classmates trying to get through to us, but not even the sound of the wind is getting to our ears. I don't do anything but sit in his embrace, hoping that I can stay like this forever. I want him in my arms, and never let go for anything or anyone.

"Kacchan, I hate to ruin this, but it's getting cloudy and might rain. I don't want you getting ill." Deku spoke.

"I don't care, all I want is Eijiro! I don't care if I get ill, I just want him to be safe!" I blurted out.

I wasn't lying either. I could care less about a little rain, all I wanted was Eijiro to be safe, and the only way I know he is if he is in my arms. I don't want to be overprotective, but I think I get to be after he just tried to jump off of a fucking building top. I don't think I'm being over the top, I just don't want him to try it again, and I'm not here to tell him how much I love him.

"Kacchan you know that your more vulnerable to getting a cold than average. If you don't come inside now, you wont even be able to hug him, because he might get it. Now come on." Deku continued.

I hate that he is right. My quirk is making everything in my life suck. It ruined my hearing, and if I'm in the rain then I get a cold from the lack of heat that I need. I role my eyes, and released Eijiro from our hug. I stood up, and held out a hand for him to use. He gives me a slight smile, before hoisting himself up. We walk back through the door, hand in hand.

We go to Eijiro's room, and lay on his bed. This was a stressful day. We cuddle together, before going to sleep. My dreams are always so much brighter when I'm asleep with him in my arms. I hold him close, and dream of everything I want to do with him.


I wake up to Eijiro shaking me awake. I look at him, and smile, but that doesn't last long. Suddenly, my ears start ringing, and I can't hear anything. I hold my hands to my ears, trying to get rid of the pain the noise is causing. My hands are pulled away from my head, and they take out my hearing aids out. How can I forget to take them out? Well I guess I'm going without sound today.

I stand up, and get ready for school. Eijiro goes to do the same thing, but I have to stop him. He was trying to put a binder on, but he isn't aloud to wear one for eight or so weeks. I know he is going to hate not being flat, but it is better for his physical health. I take a long sigh, when I see the horrible expression on his face. He doesn't want to put his uniform on without his binder.

I can't even fathom the amount of pain he must be in. People are going to see him as a girl, and not a boy. That must be terrifying. I hug him, and then get him to put his uniform on. When we had finished dressing, I give him a peck on his cheek. I tell him that I would kill anyone who mis-genders him. He laughs, I wish I could hear it. We walk out of the dorm, and walk on the path to school.

We get a few stares, and people point and whisper at us, but they stop once I glare at them. When we got into the class, everyone was gathered around the desk two behind mine. What the hell are they doing. I push my way through the crowd of people, to see a purple haired boy that hasn't slept in weeks. What was he doing in our class. I don't even care anymore, it's not like this boy is going to affect me.

Aizawa Sensei 'walks' through the doors, and just sits in his chair. Eijiro was just stood by the door, awkwardly. I give him a strange look, and motioned him over. We sign together, before he quickly looks. I confusingly look in the direction he is, when I see that Aizawa Sensei was talking. Now I'm going to have to lip read, this is taking up so much energy I don't have.

"I can tell that 'something' have 'something' our new ed-'something' to the class, this is Shinso." He spoke.

Well at least I got his name. I think he was just telling us that this was a new student in class. Who did they throw out this time?

"We heard 'something' how Min-'something' treated Kirishima, and he was ex-'something'." He continued.

I really need to pay more attention, but his lips are really hard to read. He barely moves them. I tap Eijriro's arm, and he turns to me. I gave him a questioning look, and he just sign that Mineta got expelled for not respecting him for being trans or gay. I smirk at that. This school really care about this. I'm glad that, that boy was expelled. He was homophobic, transphobic, and a massive pervert.

Class goes well, and it seems that everything is going well. Eijiro seemed relieved when he found out Grape Boi wasn't in class anymore. School ends, and the whole class walks back to the dorms. The whole 'bakusquad' hangs in Eijiro's room. We play just dance on the wii, because it is the best console to exist. It doesn't need to be fancy. We hang out and just have a laugh. Lets just hope that this happiness can last.

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