A Quick Visit To Recovery Girl

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Eijiro's PoV

I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm. I sit up groaning at how loud the noise seemed to be. I turned off the alarm, and rub the sleep from my eyes. I had no idea what was going on. Yesterday, I remember us agreeing to a sleepover with the guys, but none of them were here. Then a rush of pain went through my chest. I couldn't breathe.

I started to panic. I couldn't breathe, and I didn't know why. I was scratching at my throat, coughing to try and open my airways. Nothing was working, I still couldn't breathe. Tears filled my eyes, and black spots filled my vision. I couldn't do anything about the situation. I didn't know what else to do, so I just did the last thing I could think of. I screamed.

I fell to the floor, knees to my chest. I was still scratching at my throat, trying the only thing I could think of. I just have to hope that someone can hear me scream. I didn't know if the school had put in soundproof walls, but I guess I would just have to find out. The headache I had this morning, only seamed to worsen as time went by. I didn't know how long it would take for someone to come to my room, wondering were I was.

I knock came to my door. This is when I realised that the door could be locked. I couldn't remember anything I did after watching television with the boys, and playing a alcohol version of never have I ever. Damn it, I knew I would go over board with the drinking. I hope I didn't say anything about being a girl. I tend to go back to the mindset of when I first started drinking, and of course I didn't know what tans was then.

I scream again.

I hope whoever knocked on the door, was gonna hear me and help me. All the people in this building are meant to be heroes in training, so I was wishing with everything I had that they were going to save me. My breathing was becoming even harder, and more black dots filled my vision. I let out one last cry for help, before I couldn't see anything anymore.

Katsuki's PoV

I was walking to Eijiro's room, because last night he went over board on the drinking. He was really scary. I never in a thousand years would of thought someone with as big of a smile as his, could terrify me. I hope he's okay now though. I knock on his door.

I hear a scream.

I throw all sanity out the window, and run into his room. There was a bottle of tequila on the coffee table (which was there when I was here yesterday) and an empty bottle of wine. He really needs to quit this habit, but I still need to find him. I heard him scream, so he must be in pain. I rush and open his bedroom door. I open it see him on the floor; not moving.

My breath caught in my throat, as I take in the scene in front of me. My boyfriend is laying on the floor, and I can't even see his chest rising and falling. I look him over. He's still in pyjamas, and his chest is flat. He wasn't wearing a thing to cover him the last time he slept. Maybe I should take it off.

I take off the tank top he was wearing, and then gently took the thing on his chest off of him. I let out a shakey breath when I see his chest moving again. I put the tank top back on him, and grab a jacket to put on top of him. I was going to take the boy to Recovery Girl, and I didn't need the whole class to see his tits. They aren't exactly small.

I run out his flat, not worrying about closing the door behind me. Someone going in there was the least of my priorities at the moment. I start to run down the hall, only to stop just as quick. Atsuko was coming up the stairs. She was probably planning to check on Eijiro too.

She ran up to me, with a very concerned look on her face. I couldn't really tell her what was going on. I can't sign with a boy in my arms. I think for a bit, and just decide to mouth my words, she could probably lip read.

We ran together to the lift, but we just ran down the stairs. The lift would take too long to wait for. We got to the common room, and everyone looks our way. I ran in front of Atsuko, and pushed out the people who got in our way. We needed to see Recovery Girl as soon as possible. We got out of the dorm building, and ran at top speed towards the school. It was a school day, so some people were on their way to class, even if it was extremely early.

We ran through the hallways, and to the nurses office. We busted through her door, and called her name. She came walking to the door, complaining about it's too early for someone to be seriously hurt. When she did see the boy in my arms, she rushed over and asked for me to place him down. She asked what happened, and I started signing what happened out of habit. She looked confused, and I internally face palm. I tell her what I knew.

She checked the boy over and then placed a kiss on his forehead. I side glare at her, when she did this action. I look over to Atsuko, and see her trying not to laugh at me. If the circumstances were slightly different, I would have yelled at her. She does all this nurse stuff, and tells us to go to class. We had to go back to the dorms first to get our bags, as we dropped them, when we saw Eijiro.

We sign a 'thankyou', and left the room. When we did leave, we both let out a heavy sigh. We laugh at our similar actions. When we got to the dorms, everyone was questioning us. We just ignore them all and get all our stuff. We walk to class, and just wait for brake to come. I just wanted classes to finish for a bit, so I could see if Eijiro was ok. I knew he was, but that doesn't stop the anxiety building up. I take a deep breath, and focus on class. He would be upset if he was the reason I didn't pay attention in class.


I can feel that this book is coming to an end soon, but I have no idea if that's true. I really didn't think that the story would be this long, or get this much attention. Keep reading, and I will start to wrap all the edges together. I hope people are staying safe. I know I say this after nearly every chapter, but I just everyone to be happy and healthy. Yes happy might be a bit hard, but staying healthy isn't that hard. We have to stay inside all the time. I don't know if this is just me, but I didn't go outside unless forced to before all this.

Please stay safe my little kittens. x (I only said little because I'm really short)


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