Exam Results

511 11 14

Katsuki's PoV

I stood there in a slight daze. Did this dude seriously just try to attack ME, but ultimately ending up hitting MY BOYFRIEND. How dare he attack my boyfriend. Oh he is going to get it way worse than if he were to attack me.

A low growl escaped my lips as I prepared for battle. Small intimidating explosions escaped my hands, heating up my hands to create more sweat for bigger explosions later. We stood opposite each other, quirks at the ready, waiting for the other to make their move.

I eventually got bored of waiting for this extra to even fucking twitch, that I just kept at him, explosions being left in my wake. When I was right in front of him, he went for an attack, but I used an explosion to propel me up. Once up on the air, I sent a less lethal AP shot school had me make, sending almost bullet type explosions at my target.

A few grunts could be heard coming from the opponent from when I had hit him. A smirk slithered itself onto my face, as those sounds filled my ears. When my feet touched the ground, they were immediately lifted of the floor, as I set off more explosions to evade their incoming attacks.

That was a quicker recovery than I would have liked, but it was sloppy, indicating he was getting restless without the immediate win. If this dude seriously thought he could beat me, then he had another thing coming. My grin only continues to grow, as I threw more attacks at him, hitting him more times than not.

Just when I was about to throw one final attack at him, he sent a surprise attack at me, and it was already too late for me to dodge by the time I caught sight of it. I quickly rack my brain for ideas of what to do, but I only drew up a blank.

The slight panic that filled me, increased my sweat flow, meaning I could do one final large attack before being hit. Almost on instinct, I gave him my most lethal explosion that wouldn't kill him. Just as I was hit by his quirk, the explosion was just about to hit him.

I ended up turning into the same weird smush things that Eijiro had. It only lasted a second though, as the explosion hit my opponent, knocking him out, freeing us from his quirk. As soon as I had legs again, I ran over to my boyfriend making sure that he was okay.

A few of the other people that were also caught up in his quirk were turned back, but seemed to be in some sort of daze. Must of been because they were like that longer than we were. Taking this opportunity, we took our balls, quickly hitting some of the circle panels on their clothes.

And that was the end of that. The three of us climbed back down the ladder, and to a room that they designated to all the participants that had passed. When we got in, we saw that all of our classmates had already finished before us. I walked over to the table with shit on it, and grabbed me and Eijiro a water, passing it to him.

In the background I could hear Pikachu and Soy Sauce face crying to each other. That was a shit show that I didn't want to listen to, so I took my hearing aids out, and put them back in the soles of my boots. I calmly drank my water, leaning my head on Eijiro's chest, feeling the vibrations of his heartbeat as I did so.

Feeling Eijiros chest rise and fall always calmed me from how many times I have nearly lost him. It was just nice to feel that he was still alive and breathing. Just knowing that he was there to make sure I was okay, even when I don't need to. Even when he is the one that needs to be checked on. Even when his when the world is burning around him with a broken support beam above him read just to fall on him, he would make sure that I was safe and sound.

His need to make sure that everyone around him was okay before he even begins to think about himself makes me fall in love with him all over again. He is so selfless that sometimes I wish he wasn't. Sometimes I was him to be selfish. I want him to care about himself as much as he cares about me. I'm gonna have to teach him that it's okay to be selfish sometimes.

I get brought out of my thought of my handsome boyfriend, when said boy tapped me on shoulder. I look up to him, and he give me such a bright smile that the sun would be jealous. He starts to sign about how the second half of the hero license exam was going to start.

An exasperated sigh left my lips as i reinsert my hearing aids into my ears. This is starting to get annoying, but I cant keep them in as long as I did before. The ringing comes more frequently, so I have to keep taking them out. At this point I would rather just fail this shit, then waste the little hearing time I have left listening to this guy speak.

He told us how this time it was a rescue type exam. This is going to be a piece of piss. I grab Eijiro's hand, and instantly start walking around the area again when the sound goes off to start. We walk around, and everything seems to be going perfect to me. I only lost a few points here and there for the way I spoke to people.

When the exam ended, all the participants went up to the board and looked for their names in the alphabetical list. Mine would be towards the start of the list. As I look down the screen I come across a small dilemma.

My names not on the stupid board.

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