Another Recovery Girl Visit

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X Two Month Time Skip X

X Mentions of Abortion X

Katsuki's PoV

Eijiro has been really ill lately. He keeps waking up, just to run to the bathroom, and throw up. He thinks it's just a bug, but he doesn't have any of the other symptoms. He hasn't got a temperature, or a sore throat. I'm just worried.

"Ei, can you come here!" I yell for him to come in the bedroom.

"Yea Kat?" He asks me.

"Sit down, I want to talk to you." I say.

"Um... ok. What's wrong?" He questions.

"I'm worried about you. You have been throwing up a lot, but you haven't got any of the other affects that you usually get from a cold." I reply.

"Kat, there isn't anything wrong. I have a bug or something." He responds.

"Ei, I just want to make sure. If there isn't anything wrong like you said, then I will drop this whole thing." I say.

"Fine, if it will make you happy I'll go to Recovery Girl." He sighs out.

I give him a small smile, and kiss his cheek. I stand up, and then pull him up off the bed. We hold hands as we leave his dorm, and make our way to Recovery Girl. When we get there, he knocks on the door. We hear a faint come in, and we walk into her room. She looks at us, and roles her eyes. She must of thought it was something to do with training.

"What have you two done now?" She asks.

"It's nothing, Kat is just worried and wanted to make sure I was ok." Ei says.

"He has just been throwing up a lot recently, but he doesn't have any of the other affects you get from a cold." I reply in defence.

"I can do a quick check up if you would like." She says.

"That would be great. I'm sure I'm overreacting, but I just want to be sure." I speak.

Eijiro sits on the bed, and Recovery girl asks some basic questions. It's all normal, until she asks a question that throws us both off a little. I would rather not to tell the lady about mine and Eijiro's sex life. I can feel the blush creep onto my face at the question. She seems like the question was a very important question. We tell her that it was about two months ago.

I mean, I've wanted to do it again, but I could never ask him. I mean it's a bit awkward. Not to mention that the squad is always over. She seemed surprised by our answer. She asks about when he was last ill, and he answers. Then she asks a question that felt like I shouldn't be in the room for. I mean, I don't really need to know about my boyfriends cycle. He thought for a second, and then looked horrified.

"I completely forgot I'm supposed to have one. I mean mentally I'm a dude, so I don't think about these things until they happen. I haven't had one this month." He says.

I look between the two. Was there something I was missing. A hidden code they were sending each other. He looked like he was about to cry, so I sit on the bed, and hug him. I have no idea why he was upset about not having one, I've heard they hurt a lot. What is the big deal about missing a few. I give the woman a questioning look, but she was turned around going threw some draws. When she turned around, she was holding a box.

"What is that for?" I ask.

"This is for Kirishima to use. It won't take long." She replies.

I nod, and let go of Eijiro. I haven't a clue what is going on, but it probably was something serious if he was crying over it. He leaves the room, and goes into the bathroom that is connected to her office. He comes back with the box a few minutes later. He sits back on the bed, and we sit in silence. We wait about another five minutes before he opens the box again, then I realise what is going on.

He pulls out the test, and looks at it. I wait for his reaction, but he just bust into tears. That is enough for me to know what that test says. I pull him into a tight hug, and he drops the test on the bed. I pull his head to my chest, and look over to Recovery Girl. She just stands there with an unreadable expression.

Then I think about it. Isn't dangerous to do that kind of stuff pregnant? Never mind that, Eijiro is the one I need to be worrying about. I stroke his back, trying to calm the boy down. Everything was going so well, and now this. Once he is calmed down, we pull apart. I kiss his forehead, and give him a gentle smile.

"I know this is shocking, and scary news, but I would like to do a scan if you don't mind." She spoke.

I look at Eijiro, because it is his call. I don't have any input in this. He gives a slow nod, almost a scared nod. He sits down, and she puts this weird jell stuff on him. She gets this screen projector this, and rolls the wand on him. I hold his hand the whole way through.

Then we hear a thump from the mashine. We look at her to see if that was normal, and she tells us that it's the babies heart beat. I look at Eijiro, and i just kiss him. He doesn't seem to like the idea of having a kid, and I don't blame him. First of all, it probably fucks with his whole male thing. Second, we are still young. I don't care what he does, as long as we stay together.

"Recovery Girl?" He asks.

She only hums in responce.

"I'm only fifteen, and I don't even want to be a girl. Do you think I can..." He trails off.

She looks a bit shocked at the half question. I mean he has every right to get rid of this kid. This is his body, and i will fully support his decision. She nods, but she looks a bit tense to do so.

"We can do that, but it can damage your health. Plus you are in shock. You aren't in a stable mind to make any decisions." She spoke.

"I think he can make a perfectly fine decision right now, but it would be a better idea to let it sink in first." I say to him.

He nods at me in understanding. I don't care what he chooses, I just want him to let me be there every step of the way. As long as I'm with him I'm happy. I will be sad if he does choose to terminate, but it is his choice.

I nod in gratitude to Recovery Girl (too stuborn to say thank you) and I put Eijiro on my hip. He clings to me, as we leave her office. We walk back to the dorms, and everyone in the common area looks at us. When they see that Eijiro is crying, they come running to us.

"Can you not croud around us, he just needs to rest." I tell them.

They all back away, and nod in understanding. I call the lift, and get in once the doors open. I press our floor. We get to our level, and as I was about to pass my door, he pulls on my top. I stop walking, and give him a questioning look. He only points at the door with a longing look in his eyes.

"Why would you want to go to my dorm, yours is bigger?" I ask.

"It smells like you. I just want to sleep surround by everything you." He says.

I let out a slight chuckle, and open my door. I lay him on the bed, and sit on the other side. I take my hearing aids out, and place them on their holders. I hug Eijiro, and pull out my phone. I start playing some random games, until I'm sure he is asleep. I let out a sigh, and just think over the day. It was too stressful. I didn't need this. Who am i kidding, this is affecting Eijiro more than me. I'm being selfish.

I look at my boyfriend, and just smile at how cute he is. We might be stuck in a bad situation, but that doesn't take away from his beauty. I could stare at his face for hours. And I planned to, until I fell asleep, looking at his perfect face.

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