Merry Christmas!

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Chapter Fourteen... Merry Christmas!


I had spent several hours in the weeks before Christmas trying to get the perfect presents for my daughters. It was difficult, especially since I had Addy with me most times I went. Luckily, she was too young to understand, and couldn't talk, so therefore she couldn't tell her sister all about the gifts. But the few times I managed to leave the girls with either my parents, Cameron's parents or once they stayed at home with Cameron, I found I got so much more done!

And success came when I'd finally finished my whole Christmas shop!

Cameron kept taunting me about what he'd gotten me, which was now wrapped and placed appropriately underneath our Christmas tree. Becca had made a few decorations at daycare, so we'd hung them amongst our bought decorations on the tree.

I had an entire closet full of "Santa" presents, which were placed in big stockings... well, at least the presents that would fit in them... and the rest were wrapped, except for a bike we'd gotten for Addy, a dollhouse we'd gotten for Becca, and the new trampoline that was for both of them.

Thank God it had a lock on the door, or else Becca would go snooping!

It was bad enough that I had to fence off the tree so that they couldn't get to it. Becca tried to climb over the fence, but landed hard on her bottom. She laughed, then she cried... but started laughing again. Strange child...

Addy, who was now crawling, had managed (before I put the fence up) to pull off the decorations at the bottom, break three branches and then fell asleep under the tree... all on the day I put it up! Becca started throwing the decorations at Addy, who would laugh each time. Becca managed to pull off a whole string of beads that were wrapped around the whole tree. Clever little darlings...

After I put the fence up, I fixed the tree and started putting presents underneath it. Becca was eyeing off one that was for her, but since she couldn't see it well enough, or actually read, she'd resorted to actually asking me whose it was!

"Mommy, who's the big green one for?" she asked, her eyes wide with excitement.

"That's for you, sweetie," I smiled, reading the tag to make sure it was for sure.

"Can I have it now?" she asked, giving me a cheeky, adorable grin.

"No, baby, it's not Christmas yet," I explained.

"When's Christmas?" she then asked, still looking curious.

"In two days," I had told her.

"Oh," she frowned. "Okay then."

That wasn't the start of the questions. And it was far from the end... Little miss Becca was curious about what she'd be getting for Christmas, and I was excited to see her face when she opened them.

But soon, it was Christmas eve.

I dressed Becca up as a little elf, and Addy was Mrs Claus. They looked so adorable, I was so excited for Christmas. I was making Christmas lunch, but we were going to my parents' for Christmas dinner tonight. Tomorrow night, we'd be heading to Cameron's parents' house for dinner.

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