When Life Throws You Lemons...

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Chapter Thirteen... When Life Throws You Lemons...


I woke up knowing instantly that today was going to be a challenging, tiring day. Just a feeling, like a sense of doom only that it was more realistic and not doom so much as two cranky girls who want to get on my every nerve, and a husband with a bad mood that runs away when one of the girls becomes stubborn.

The first thing I attended  to after I got up was Addy, who had decided to peg her pacifiers at the floor as she sat up in her crib. I pulled her out of bed and she started screaming. Most kids scream that they want attention, not the other way around!

But Miss Addison was special in her own little way... oddly...

I took her downstairs and fed her a bottle, then sat her in her high chair whilst I cooked some breakfast for both her and Becca. I quickly raced upstairs to attend to Becca, who had taken to squealing through the baby monitor for attention. I took her downstairs, placing her in her own high chair and giving her a cup of juice.

And she tipped it on the floor stubbornly.

"Becca!" I growled, bending down with a wad of paper towel and cleaning up the mess.

"No juice," Becca said simply.

"You shouldn't tip it on the floor, though," I sighed.

"I want milk," Becca replied quietly, with an odd grin on her face.

"Are you going to drink it?" I asked, eyeing her suspisciously.

"Yes," she smiled.

"Okay, then," I frowned, getting up after cleaning up the mess and grabbing her a cup of milk. I handed it to her, and turned to feed Addy.

And that's when I wore milk down my back.

"Rebecca!" I shouted furiously. "You told me you'd drink it! Why did you tip it down my back?"

"It tasted yucky," she said ever-so innocently.

"Well, that doesn't mean you should tip it down my back!" I growled.

"Tippy... tippy..." she sang gleefully.

Cameron rolled into the kitchen at that moment, still sleepy. I stood up, feeling gross after wearing a cup of cold milk down my back.

"Morning?" he frowned, looking around.

"Your daughter spilled milk down my back," I whined, strolling towards him. "I'm gonna take a shower. Can you finish feeding them? It's gonna be one of these days."

"Sure," he sighed, walking over to the girls.

I strolled upstairs for a shower, and as I got out Becca stood at my feet, looking cheeky.

"What are you up to, missy?" I asked, smiling at her.

"Sorry about the milk, mommy," she said, sitting down. "Daddy's feeding Addy. She threw fer pacifier at him," she added with a laugh.

"Oh, that's okay," I said to her. "But mommy needs to get dressed, Becca. How about you go play with Lucy? Or go keep daddy and Addy company?"

"No, I wanna stay with you!" she wailed with sad, puppy dog eyes.

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