5. History

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Chapter Five... History


Ever since Cameron and I had decided to have another baby, I had become obsessed with falling pregnant. And the annoying thing was that it wasn't happening fast enough for me! After four months of trying, we still had no success.

"I know that I always hate it when it's that time of the month, but this is depressing me!" I wailed.

"Jeez, I hadn't expected you to be so keen," Cameron chuckled.

"This isn't funny!" I hissed.

"Yeah, it is," he laughed.

"Why?" I frowned.

"Because you kept telling me that five kids were enough, and now you're upset that you're not pregnant," he giggled. "It's hilarious."

"Oh, leave me alone!" I snapped, storming from the room.

I walked down into the kitchen, and Cameron followed.

"You need to relax, Rose," he sighed. "You're becoming obsessed!"

"I've never wanted to get pregnant so bad," I groaned. "How can it be so hard?!"

"Honey, you do realise that our eldest child only turned eight three weeks ago," Cameron pointed out. "It will happen. And I know you don't want too many years between Becca and the next one, but if you're not meant to get pregnant, you're not meant to get pregnant."

"I know," I sighed. "It still sucks."

"Look, you need to stop thinking about it, honey," he soothed. "It's doing your head in, babe. Why don't you worry about planning Addy's fifth birthday party and stop worrying about getting pregnant. It's starting to creep me out..."

"Creep you out?" I frowned.

"Yes," he said simply. "I'm not used to seeing you so jittery and obsessed. It's odd..."

"Right," I said slowly.

"Look, please?" he pleaded. "You're worrying me, honey."

"Okay, okay," I sighed. "I'll... well, I'll try and not think about it."

"Thankyou," Cameron whispered in my ear.

 People kept telling me that my life was hectic enough... that I didn't need another child. I agreed that my life wasn't everybody's cup of tea, but this was who I was. I wasn't always good at a lot of things, but I am good at being a mother. And people continuously had judged me when I was younger and I was pregnant with Becca. They never considered that I didn't actually plan my life to be the way it was, it just happened.

And I wouldn't change it.

So my decision to expand my family was mine. And if people judged me... well, I didn't really care. It was my life.

The thing that was bothering me the most? It was my ex-friend Kimmi who had become the most judgemental.

I reluctantly agreed to join her for lunch one Saturday, and Cameron would spend the day with the kids. I dressed reasonably nice, and managed to go without getting paint on it. Addy, Lily, Zane and Ethan were all painting. Becca was curled up in her room, reading a book.

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