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Elianas pov

"I've decided that Eliana Faith Lovato will be an emancipated minor." I hear and relief washes through my body.

Every once of nerves just leaves my body and I turn my head to my aunt who just looks crushed. My mom sits behind her on her side of the court room. The entire family in support of my aunt.

I look behind me to see Wilmer and Lauren and Wilmer gives me a smile as does Lauren. I did it. I really did it.

I turn my head back to the judge unable to hold back the tears of happiness, "Thank you your honor." I say.

She gives me a small smile and nod before I leave the court room with Wilmer and Lauren leaving the rest of my family behind, "Ahhh you did it Lia. I'm so proud of you. I know this is a huge relief for you kiddo." Lauren says.

I give a nod, "Yeah, it is." I say.

"Well, do you want to go home or do you want to celebrate?" Wilmer asks.

"Home, I need a nap. This was kinda emotionally tiring. I also didn't get any sleep last night." I say.

"Ok, we celebrate tomorrow." Lauren negotiates.

I look at her and nod, "Ok, we can celebrate tomorrow."

I can't believe this is happening. Oh my god. Everything I wanted for 4 years has finally happened. I'm finally free. Like really free.

"Well, you know I'll let you stay as long as you need to. We've already talked about this." Wilmer says.

I turn my head to him, "Thanks for being literally the best dad I could've ever asked for. Thanks for being the parent and guardian I've needed. Thank you for everything. I don't even know where to start." I say.

"I love you Ella. I have since the day I met you and I saw far too much to just forget about you. I promised to help you then and I've done my best to help you as much as I can even after your mom and I split. In my mind you are, and always will be, my daughter. I didn't spend 6 year's with your mom, and you, to just give it all up when we split. I'm always going to be here to support you and help you. I hope you know that." He says.

"I do, thank you." I say.

We walk out of the building to flashing cameras and microphones being put around us. I don't know why I thought I'd be able to do this without it being a huge story.

"Eliana, do you still love your mom?!"

"Did your mom get custody of you Eliana!?"

"Did you get emancipated?!"

"Why did you get emancipated?!"

"Wilmer, is she living with you now?!"

"Lauren what's your thoughts on all of this?!"

"Eliana what does your boyfriend think about all of this?!"

I follow Wilmer and Lauren not answering a single question, neither do they. We get into the car and Wilmer turns his head to me, "Are you going to be ok tonight?"

I know why he's asking. Even if I didn't answer the questions, we both know my mom will. She's done nothing but drag me through the dirt since she found out I was doing this. So she'll love to get to have the opportunity to drag me through the dirt one last time.

I don't get involved in drama. So it's basically just my moms side of the story all the time, not mine. I just don't feel like the entire world needs to know my story...

"Yeah, I'll probably turn my phone off and just not really look at the news tonight or for a few days."

"I haven't been able to look at your mom the same for years." Lauren mumbles.

"Eh, it's whatever. I'm not getting myself involved in anything. I'm not the person she is. I don't feel the need to start lies or put family drama out into the open. Or constantly shade a 16 year old who's my daughter. I'll tell my story when I'm ready to and I'll do my best to not shade her." I say.

"Well, musics an excellent way to do that you know." Lauren says.

"Mhm. I'm still thinking about it. I don't want to jump on things yet. I need to process and weigh things out. I don't really know what I want to do." I say.

"You've got a bit of time to figure it all out. This was the first goal and at the top of the importance list. So hopefully having this will help with your decision as to what's next now." Wilmer says.


This is really happening. I'm actually free. I'm in control of my life. Not everyone hates me because of this. I still have people who support me and backed me up in this. I didn't loose two people who really meant so much to me.

I lost a few other people, but that's ok. They don't know the full story and never will. If they want to support my mom and aunt, then that's what they can do. It's not going to hurt me. I'm happier than I've ever been. This is honestly the best day of my life.

Everything I hoped and prayed for just happened. I'm going to be ok. Everything's going to be ok. I believe that now.

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