Ch. 33

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Eliana's pov

I feel my bed dip and I lift my head slightly to see Lauren laying beside me in my bed. I just close my eyes doing my absolute best to try and sleep the migraine off.

I've never had one before this point. However it's one of the worst pains I've ever felt. It isn't the worst, my moms made me feel worse but it's one of them at least. My entire head is just ponding and throbbing. I can hear my own heartbeat in my ears and I just feel my head throbbing in pain. An intense pain. I feel like someone's just whacked me in the head with a bat. Simply moving my head up ignites the pain to another level. Moving my finger honestly makes it worse.

"I see tears, what's happening? Why are you crying?" Lauren asks.

"Migraine." I whisper.

I feel her cold hand touch my forehead and feel the tiniest bit of relief as she does do. Her hands are so cold that it just provides a temporarily relief for me. I guess it doesn't go unnoticed either.

"I'm going to get you a bag of cold water to put on your head. I'd give you ice, but from experience I've felt an ice cube shift in the bag and cause a new peak of pain in a migraine. Cold water may help a bit." She says.

I say nothing as she gets out of my bed. I just keep my head hidden and wait until she returns. I feel her hand on my chin before she moved my head up a tiny bit resulting in much more pain.

"I'm sorry kiddo." She says as I feel more tears fall down my cheeks.

I say nothing as I feel he put the bag of cold water on my head. I don't know how she got it this cold, but it's definitely cold. My whole body just feels cold.

I feel her put several blankets on top of me that have been kicked around on my bed before she lays back down beside me.

"Pains at a 10 Huh?" She asks with sympathy.

"Yeah." I whisper.

"How long has it been hurting?" She asks.

"I felt small headache around 3 am. I didn't think it was a big deal and didn't want to take Tylenol when I was about to sleep. I thought I'd be able to sleep it off. At 5 this morning it got worse and I took medicine but in another hour it turned into a full migraine. It's just gotten worse since then. I feel sick."

"Like you're gonna throw up?" She asks.


"Ok don't think about that. Just try and relax and stay calm. I know it hurts but the more you stress and worry, the worse you'll feel. Is this the ford time your had one." She asks.


"I'm sorry Lia, it's not a fun experience. I hope this is the last one you have to endure. Somethings they are induced by stress and you've definitely been under a lot of it." She says.

If they are brought on by stress then this will for sure just be the beginning of the migraine journey...

"How long ago has it been since you took some Tylenol?" She asks.

"An hour ago, I took 3."

"Ok, then I'll have to wait to give you more." She sighs.

Unfortunately so. Even then, it's not like it's worth taking any. I don't feel even the slightest bit better now. I doubt I will with more medicine in a couple of hours.

I close my eyes only to feel her gently caress my cheek, "Try and get some sleep Eliana. The best thing you can do right now is sleep."

"I'm trying, I can't."

"Well I'm going to shut up so you can. I'll stay right here ok?"


All I can focus on is the extreme pain I feel in my head. Nothing else. It just hurts so much. I not only have a headache, but my stomach hurts now too. The pains so bad I'm sick to my stomach.

Still, not the first time the pains been so bad I've been sick to my stomach. No, my moms beat me so bad that I was in so much pain I actually threw up.

I sit up causing Lauren's head to turn to me worriedly. As I feel my mouth water and the urge to gag arrives I quickly walk to the bathroom and she's right behind me.

I get on my knees and lean over the toilet as Lauren sits beside me. She holds my hair and gently rubs my back as I begin to gag. It's not too long after that when I begin to vomit straight stomach acid.

I haven't exactly eaten a thing on at least two day's. It honestly wasn't on purpose. I just literally forgot to eat. I intended to them I'd sleep and wake up and everything was disoriented I'm my brain. I just forgot.

"Oh Eliana." Lauren says with concern as she looks into the toilet.

I know, it's bad. Really bad. She knows from this I'm not eating and I didn't realize that my stomach was actually this empty. I knew it was, but not like this bad.

I vomit into the toilet one last time before I sit on the floor in even more pain. My chest burns, my throat burns, my heads hurting even more, and my stomach still hurts.

"Eliana, when's they last time you ate? Oh my gosh." Lauren says concerned.

I look into the toilet to see specks of red letting me know I was wrong. Stomach acid and blood are in the toilet.

I turn my head to her as she looks at me with so much worry, "I don't know, two days ago I think."

"Ok, you have to eat. I'm not letting you not eat now that I know this." She says.

"Ok." I whisper.

I hear the toilet flush and I carefully get up from the floor, "Get back in bed and I'll be in there in a few minutes."

I follow her orders and do that. I hide my head in my pillow and just wait for her to come back. When she does, she sits beside me and I see a sandwich in her hand.

"Just eat what you can. I know breads a bit hard to eat when you're sick to your stomach, but I know you can eat the ham and cheese. Which is why there's a lot of ham and cheese." She says.

I'm not even going to attempt the bread. I'll just eat the ham and cheese.

I take the sandwich from her and set it on my bed before taking the top piece of bread odd and grabbing a slice of ham. I eat it and then grab the slice of cheese and eat it.

"Good girl." Lauren says.

I continue to eat until nothing is left besides the bread which Lauren puts on my nightstand for now. I'm sure it'll be thrown away by her at some point.

"Can you truly and get some sleep?" She asks.

"I'm trying."

She gives me a small nod as I close my eyes yet again. Why doesn't life ever give me a break away from pain? I don't understand. Why does it hate me so much that it continues to give me nothing but pain? What did I do so bad to deserve that?

Somehow I'm able to relax enough during the pain to be able to sleep. Will the pain be there when I wake up? More than likely. With my luck, it won't be gone.

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