Ch. 8

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Elianas pov

"You're usually ahead of me kiddo." Wilmer says as he stops walking to let me catch up.

"I know, I'm just really tired." I lie.

Maybe if I pretend to be tired, I'll have more slack with the depression thing. That's what I'm hoping for at least.

"Am I going to have to carry you?" He asks.

"I wouldn't mind."

Once I catch up to him he walks at my pace which is indeed slow. Look, I'm trying to kill toke here ok. The longer I make this walk to Matthews than the less time I have to spend with them. Don't get me wrong, I want to see them. I just don't want to be told how depressed I look then Sirah or Matthew tell my mom how depressed I look. If they do that, my mom will reflect and finally wake up to something she's known this whole time but was very oblivious to. That is something I don't need or want to happen.

"You might want to mute that group chat too." He warns.

I stop walking and quickly go into settings and turn off all notifications for Snapchat. Wilmers right on that one. I don't think receiving Snapchat notifications from a group chat called 'thots' is going to be something Sirah or Matthew approve of. In fact I believe it'll be something that will not go like it did when Wilmer found out. They'll tell my mom and my mom will make sure I never have a phone again.

"Thanks." I mumble.


Eventually we make it to Matthews door and Wilmer knocks and we stand there for a few moments until it unlocks. Matthew gasps when he sees me, "I swear you've grown since the last time I saw you!"

With how long it's been since I've seen you last, I wouldn't be surprised if I have.

I give a fake laugh, "Thanks? I guess?"

He gives me a hug which I return before he lets Wilmer into the apartment and I walk to Sirah, "Oh, look who it is, the ceo of roasting me in my comment section and my dms." She teases.

"Please forgive me Sirah, I want to roast my mom but you know how she is with trends. She isn't there with them. If I did it to her then her fans would think I'm actually hating on her and my mom would too and it'd be this huge story that's not even correct. So since you get trends and know my humor, I have to do it to you and Matthew. You're the only two people to appreciate my sarcasm." I say.

She laughs giving me a hug, "Of course, you're sarcasm is the best."

I give her a hug in return, "Ugh I know, the flavor, the creativity, the art, it's beautiful." I say.

"I have to admit, I do look forward to see your comments. They always give me a laugh." Sirah says.

"I think my moms stans are finally understand it's a joke since you're liking my comments. They were going after me there for a bit. But I just pretended not to see it." I say.

She looks at me concerned as she releases from the hug, "You were getting hate?"

I let out a genuine laugh at the question, "Of course I get hate! I'm my moms daughter! People either hate me because they are upset I'm my moms daughter over them, or because my mom did something to piss of the internet and are going to send me hate since she's canceled too! I get hate every time I post a photo! Just because my comments are turned off doesn't mean people don't dm me the hate!"

"Does your mom know about this?" Matthew asks.

"No and don't let her. The hate comments don't even phase me, do you know how many times I read them and laugh? I don't need my mom to worry about something I'm not worried about. Because if she finds out I'm getting hate she'll only make me delete Instagram. It's literally fine. I can show you dms of hate comments I found funny enough to like, because there's a lot." I say.

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