Ch. 35

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Elianas pov

I wake up at 11 in the morning to see Lauren still beside me, "About time, good morning. How do you feel?" She asks.

I give a small stretch before looking at her, "Ok." I say.

"How's the migraine?" She asks.

"Gone." I say.

"That's good." She smiles.

"Mhm." I say grabbing my phone from my nightstand.

I look at my notifications to see several news alerts about my mom. I tap the first one I see to be greeted with 'Demi Lovato Pregnant' and I feel my heart just drop.

I read the story where it's confirmed by close sources and it suddenly dawns on me why my aunts at my moms house. For this.

"Can I borrow your phone?" I ask.

"What's wrong with yours?" She laughs.

"I need to check something on yours that I can't do on mine." I say.

She passes me her phone and I go to the 'find my' app knowing she's still got my mom as a friend their and can see where she is. Lauren made her do it a while ago after my moms story wasn't exactly lining up on where she was. My mom never uses the app, honestly think she forgot it exists.

I go through her friends until I find my mom and I tap her name and get a location which I then type into google, "Ok little fbi." She says.

"I'd ask you where she is but you wouldn't give me a truthful answer." I say.

"I haven't talked to your mom in a while. Just your aunt. Your aunt didn't say much, just asked if I could stay here another day. I agreed, but I didn't bother to ask why."

"Well my moms pregnant sooooo."

"Eliana you know that tmz spreads lies." She says.

"It says a source confirmed it. She's had to have told people before my aunt, but went to my aunt needing help. So it's likely depending on who she told, they went behind her back and spread the story. She has a lot of fake friends, many people I do not like. I may not like my mom, but no one deserves to have fake friends. There's a reason she doesn't talk to marissa anymore. Marissa was fake and spread a lot of information around. Several people in her friend group would do the same." I argue.

I get the address and pass her phone, "Explain what that place is please."

She looks at her phone and reads the name of the building, "Ok so you can get ultrasounds here and there's doctors who deal with pregnancy." She admits.

I raise an eyebrow, "Right and her location is pinging there. Still want to tell me I'm wrong?" I ask.

"Your aunts with her." She says.

"Andddddd?" I ask.

"Your aunt has a boyfriend. Isn't it a possibility that they are there for your aunt and your mom took her?"

"No, because my aunt wouldn't stay the night with her over that. She'd just ask my mom or her boyfriend to take her to the appointment. Plus, I'm here, I can promise you there is no action happening. I am not with my mom, haven't been for weeks, I don't know what she's been doing. However with her track record, and how long it's been since her last breakup, she's moved on. Meaning it's likely she did mess up and have it happen again. She lacks a brain in many situations. I exist because of her mistake. She doesn't exactly learn from her mistakes. If she did, I'd have a mom. I don't."

"Well, maybe once your aunt gets back she can give you some answers. Try not to stress and worry about it right now." She says.

"That's a bit hard to do you know." I say.

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