Ch. 27

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Eliana's pov

I wake up to someone gently shaking me and once I open my eyes I see Sirah, my mom, and Dallas. I feel my heart just sink. I know why they are here.

"What do you want for breakfast sweet girl?" Sirah asks.

Not with an ounce of interest in food with my appetite killed completely, I just shake my head, "I'm fine, thanks."

"I'll make you chocolate chip pancakes." She decides.

"I'd prefer eggs."

If she's going to make something and force me to eat it, I'd rather it not have chocolate in it. I'd rather it be something small and something I'll manage to eat despite no appetite whatsoever.

"Got it." She says walking out of the bedroom.

"How did you sleep last night?" Aunt Dallas asks.

"Ok, I guess."

That's a lie. I slept awful. My mind stayed on the echoing words of my mom. Since I didn't want to have a flashback, I didn't sleep. I'm sure with those words and my already existing fear of her that it really wouldn't be a good idea to try and sleep. I'm sure my brain will have me remember some of the worst things she's ever done to me.

"Can we talk?" My mom asks.

Well you're already here and made yourself welcome. Clearly this conversation is going to happen whether I want it to or not...

"I guess."

"How would you feel about living with your aunt?"

Like utter shit because I know the reasoning is because you don't want me. I'd know you just passed her off to me because you want nothing more to do with me. But whatever makes you happy mom, whatever makes you happy.

"I'd be ok with it. I'm already at her house a lot because of work and stuff. I think it'd be easier for us both if I just stayed over there. I get used to the schedule she has and it's hard to switch between schedule and structure to things that seem sort of chaotic at home. Living with her would eventually lead to me being out of so much spotlight. I know I'll be in it a lot when everyone finds out that I'm living with her, but I won't have as many encounters with paparazzi. Maybe I'll even die down as a topic of interest between now and 6 years which would be great. I don't really like all the attention."

Is that a good pitch and answer to make it seem like I'm totally on board? I don't even know anymore.

"Your mom will of course still let you spend the night and visit, it's not like she's just going to cut you off. I don't want you to think that. She's still going to be your mom, you'll just live with me." Aunt Dallas says.

She's not my mom. Never has been. Doesn't want to be.


"Would you prefer to stay with Sirah for a few more nights while we get your stuff moved?" Mom questions.


My mom looks to my aunt to see if my aunt has anything more to add or say but when my aunt remains silent, she finishes up the conversation for the both of them.

"We're gonna get your stuff moved and when we do you'll go ahead and stay with Dallas." She says.

I'm aware, I get that. You just really want to keep repeating I'll be living with Dallas don't you? It's music to your ears isn't it?


My mom leaves my room leaving me along with my aunt, "I love you kiddo, if you change your mind about this my feelings won't be hurt. I know this isn't an easy thing to think about. We just want what's best for you." She says.

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