Ch. 26

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Demi's pov

The second Sirah picks up Eliana, I feel as if a major weights been taken off my shoulders. She won't be gone for long, I know, but a day is something at least.

I lock the front door and walk to my bedroom. I take a shower and change for the night before getting into my bed. I then open Instagram to see Victoria at the top of my feed. Which of course is my luck.

I open the Instagram story with the green circle letting me know she's still got me in her close friends. However, I'm sure it's accidental and once she sees I viewed her story, I'll be taken out.

It's just a photo of her doing a bathroom mirror selfie with puffy eyes, wet eyelashes, a red face, wet cheeks, red eyes, and holding up a peace sign and there's an upside down smilie face emoji in the right corner of the photo.

I go to my contacts and find Victoria's number and call her for the probable 100th time since she's left. Much to my own surprise, she actually answers this time.

"What do you want?" I hear her ask with defeat.

"Look I know you're upset but-"

"Yeah I am, you lead me on this entire time. I told you from the start that I wanted another child and you stayed silent. I stayed for 6 months thinking that this would work and we had the same goals when we didn't. You have a daughter Demi, and yes I love her, but I want a child as well. If that's not something you'll compromise on me with then it's not going to work and I'm not doing it. I was under the assumption that we'd have another child. Meanwhile you knew this whole time that you weren't willing to have that happen. You shouldn't have let me believe that what I wanted was going to happen. You should've told me from the start it wasn't what you wanted. Because I wouldn't have stayed for this long and we'd both be with people, possibly, who had the same ideas for the future."

"I know, I'm sorry. I know I went wrong there." I say.

"Yeah, you did." I hear her voice crack.

"Victoria, I didn't mean to hurt you. For a while I was going back and forth on it. I didn't know what I really wanted and I should've told you that. It wasn't until a few weeks ago when you brought it up again when I knew what my answer was. I am struggling with Eliana. I made a mistake when I was 16 and I didn't think about how long of a commitment it was. I didn't think about how hard it'd be. I didn't think about anything other than my career and what just giving her away would do. I didn't have her best intentions in mind or even mine. I've got 6 more years to parent her and if I'm being truthful, I have no idea how I'm going to do it. Dallas and I have been talking back and forth on this for weeks now and if it comes down to it, I'm willing to just give her custody of Eliana. I know it's a shitty thing to do, but I'm struggling and Eliana deserves someone who'll take better care of her than I am or have." I say.

"Honestly, you might as well. You treat her like utter shit." She says with no sympathy.

"I know." I admit.

I know I've put her through hell for 12 years. I know I haven't been the mom she's needed me to be. I know that I've continued to make her life unstable and her uncomfortable with my dating life. I know that she's had to grow up and mature a lot sooner than kids her age because of me. I know that because of my past, she fears me. I know that she'd much rather live anywhere but here. I know. I do.

"I'd swallow your pride and let her live with your sister. Dallas has been a parent to her than you've been or ever will be."

"Victoria I know, I'm working things out with Dallas right now."

"Well I don't want anything more to do with you. Please don't call or text me anymore. I don't want to continue as friends, I don't want to continue with a relationship."

I feel one knife in my heart and the pain in my chest, "I understand."

The like goes dead and I stare down at my phone in tears before I toss it onto my nightstand and just lay down in my bed. The break ups never get easier.

Elianas pov

When we get to Sirahs place I go straight to the guest bedroom. I lock the door behind rn and toss my backpack beside the closet. I lock my shoes off before getting into the bed with my phone.

I plug my earbuds into my phone and open my music and go to my music library and just shuffle all my music. I also go ahead and delete all my social media. I know with my moms break up, it'll be a while before I'll want to return to social media. Until the news and gossip regarding it dies down, I won't be returning to the apps.

I go to snapchat and see many messages. I open a few asking me how I am and I choose to leave them on opened. I hate it when people do this. Like my moms break ups don't effect me. I wish they'd leave me alone about it. It's just frustrating. My life's practically an open book thanks to my mom. Everyone knows who she's dating, when she's in a new relationship, and everyone wants to know how I feel about it. If I don't come to you to talk about it, how about we pretend that you don't know?

I go ahead and delete snapchat and just hide my phone beneath my pillow and listen to Pompeii by Bastille. Aka a band I listen to often and cry to. There's a lot of bands I cry to, but this one is the one I cry most to probably. Grip and happier really hit hard, especially the acoustic version.

I hear a light knock on my door and I remain silent before I watch it open and Sirah walks in with a sad expression, "You don't want to eat dinner?" She asks.

"I'm tired."

I can tell she doesn't really believe the two words, but she doesn't push me for information or question it.

"Do you want to take your night meds? Or is it not even worth trying to get you to take tonight?" She asks.

"I don't want em."

They don't work so why swallow them? I just don't feel like being paranoid tonight. I want to sleep and I want to just try not to think about my mom and her words and feelings. Because I'm really trying to do good. I am trying not to cut and be able to be proud of myself for the tiny accomplishment.

"Can you please take them?" She asks.


She frowns but nods, "Alright. If you need anything tonight you know where my room is. Don't be afraid to come ask me for something."


She walks out of my room and I see the door close behind her. I give a small eye roll and hide my face in my pillow, "I hate my life."

I roll on my side and face the walk before closing my eyes and going to sleep. Because what better way to get rid of pain than to sleep it off?

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