Ch. 19

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Elianas pov

I stare out the window as we reach the airport and I watch my mom walk to the car. My discomfort levels peak at that. I'm really about to go back to hell now aren't I?

Victoria helps my mom work getting her luggage in the back of the car and once that's taken care of, the both get in the car.

"What did you two do yesterday?" Mom asks.

I cried. Victoria not sure. I wasn't close enough to her to know what she was doing.

"Not much of anything, it was pretty chill yesterday." Victoria says.

For you. Not for me.

Mom turns her head to me, "Did you have fun with Wilmer?"

I don't know, you tell me? Did I have fun with the only person I trust in life and the only parental figure I have in my life? Did I have fun getting to bond with him doing things I like because he's willing to bond with me? Did I have fun knowing I was safe with him and you weren't around? I don't know, did I?

I look down at my knees unable to even look at her right now. I'm scared and I just want to go home and run to my room and hide so I'm able to get away from my mom. My fear. Because nothing scares me more than my mom. As sad as that is, it's the truth.

"I think she did." Victoria says causing my moms head to turn to her, "It looked like she was having a lot of fun in the tiktok videos."

"What tiktok videos?" Mom asks.

"Eliana made a bunch of tiktoks with Wilmer and the rest of the cast." Victoria says.

"What's tiktok?" Mom asks.

"Remember when was a whole trend? But it hasn't been talked about in forever?" Victoria asks.

"Yes." Mom says.

"Another company bought the app and turned it into tiktok. It's a mix of dancing, comedy, and a lot of other things. It's a pretty cool app." Victoria says.

"Oh." Is all my moms says in response.

"So what have you been up to this morning?" Mom asks.

"Not much, I woke Eliana up and fed her some breakfast then she got changed and once you texted we drove here." Victoria says.

I appreciate her leaving the details of me having a nightmare, not eating breakfast, and not sleeping last night out. She really makes it seem like a pretty picture that way.

"How would y'all feel about eating lunch somewhere?" Mom asks.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea, Eliana has homework she needs to do today. She's already missing one class, I don't want her to miss more." Victoria says.

Why is she sticking up for me so much right now? There's no way she knows I'm scared of my mom. She can't. There's no way in hell that Wilmer told her anything. He wouldn't risk that. I know he wouldn't. So what is Victoria doing? Trying to make amends after I called her out last?

"Eliana have you been doing your homework?" Mom asks.

You really think Wilmer would risk his life by not following your rules? Do you really think I'd risk his life by not following your rules? Of course I did my freaking homework! But that doesn't mean I can just do it when you decide I need to!

"She has, I watched her do it yesterday and she was right on track." Victoria says.

"Good, then I guess we can do dinner instead. That way Elle can do her homework." Mom says.

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