Ch. 6

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Elianas pov

Thankfully for me, last night my mom didn't bother me another time. I was left alone all night which I'm sure Victoria had something to do with that. Actually, I'm certain Victoria had something to do with it.

"Eliana, I'll miss you babygirl." Mom says as we get closer to Wilmers house.

No you won't, you won't even think about me. You'll miss Victoria, but not me. If you missed me, you'd be in tears over me as you say goodbye. You aren't, you were with Victoria, but not me. So please just drop the act. Just because you're an actor means you're good at lying, because you aren't.

Victoria looks back at me to see my reaction and I just keep my head turned to the window and look at all the other houses we pass by.

My excitement hits me as we turn onto his street. Only a few minutes later we're on his driveway and the second the car stops, I jump out and run to the front door. I try and open it and once it does open, I run to Wilmer who's sitting on the couch and jump in his lap.

"Well hey kiddo." He chuckles.

I give him a hug as I hear two sets of footsteps and a suitcase be rolled in, "Eliana is this all you brought?" Mom asks and I nod.

"She's a light packer Demi." Wilmer says trying to lighten the mood.

"Alright, well I have to get to the airport. Wilmer please don't forget anything we talked about." Mom sighs.

"Hey, I've got her taken care of. No need to worry, she's in good hands. Right Eliana?" He asks.

I look up at him and nod, "Uh Huh."

"See." He turns his head to my mom, "Even she has faith in me."

My mom doesn't really look any less stressed as she looks at me, "I love you Ellie and I'm going to miss you. I'll do my absolute best to FaceTime you every night and respond to any texts you send me." She says.


Not another word is said before my mom walks out the front door with Victoria, "You should've at least told her you'll miss her." He sighs.

I shrug, "It'd be lying if I did and you and I both know I'm an awful liar and it's very clear I'm lying."

"Do you want to talk about what clearly happened between you and your mom?" He asks.

I shake my head, "No."

Respecting my privacy, he doesn't push me further, "I think marrrok will be excited to see you again. He's missed his play buddy."

"Where is he?" I ask.

"Taking a nap, once he realizes who's here, he'll wake up." He says ruffling my hair.

"Why can't I just go wake him up?" I ask.

"You could, but it'll be funnier to watch him walk out and see you then get super excited." He says.

I sigh, "I'll wait."

I crawl out of his lap and lay down on the couch, "So I was told someone promised to take you ice skating and backed out. So I say after I finish shooting, we go ice skating." He says.

"It's fine, I'm kinda happy she did. I only wanted to go because it got me out of spending a day with my mom. But her energy is a lot to handle for me right now. I'm low, she's high, it isn't a good mix. I know if I did hang out with her I'd snap and tell her to shut up or stop being so happy." I say.

"Well that's good your feelings didn't get hurt, not good your depressed." He says.

"Yeah I know, but it's whatever." I say.

"Your mom told me about your appointment Monday." He says.

"Mhm, with Jordyn." I say.

"Yeah, I'm under some strict rules to make sure you go. So no talking your way out of it." He says.

"I won't, you won't be the one getting yelled at for not going. I will. I've been yelled at enough by her the past few days. I'm not going to give her something else to yell at me about." I mumble.

"Well, Matthew and Sirah wanted to see you tomorrow so I think the plans to meet at one of their houses if you're down for that." He says.


It's not like I actually have plans tomorrow, so why not?

"How are you doing in school?" He asks.

"Ahead of the game."

I do online school which really shouldn't come as a surprise. With all my mom does, I have to. Because I can't just miss school for every tour she does. So instead of pulling me in and out of school, she's just made me do online school so I can be able to do school no matter where we are. I don't really like online school, but at the same time it's not like I'd have a regular high school experience anyway with who my mom is. I envision it just bring a bunch of fake friends and that's about it.

"Well good job kiddo, I'm proud of you." He says.

"Thank ya." I say.

"So is there anything you want to do today?" He asks.

"Not really, just chill." I say.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asks.

"It doesn't really matter to me, you're not my mom. Your foods always edible and tastes fine." I say.

"Yeah, your moms food was hard to eat." He admits.

"There's not enough seasoning in the world to make it better." I mumble.

"I'm gonna have to agree with you on that."

"How about some Chile?" He asks.

I nod, "That's fine."

Really anything he makes is actually really good. Even if I've eaten elsewhere and didn't like it, if he makes it, I'll eat. For example, casserole. I hate that stuff, but if he makes it, it's actually good and I eat it.

"You'll stay in the same room you always do when you come over. You don't have to go now, I'm just letting you know so that when you decide you need some space, you know where to go." He says.

"Okie." I say.

I have a feeling with no one to hide from, I won't be in my room much to hide in. I trust Wilmer so there's no reason for me to hide in fear of him. He's never done anything to scare me or cause me fear. Ever. Not once.

"I want you to FaceTime her tonight if she calls. I know you don't want to, but I do. She's your mom and the only parent you have, if anything happens to her I know you don't want your last words to be 'ok' after she said she'd miss you. Anything can happen Eliana." He says.

"I know." I mumble.

I know he's right but it's still not easy to talk to someone you're scared of right now. Right now I'm actually scared of my mom and so of course it's going to be hard to talk to her. I wish like this, but it is.

I may not like Victoria but she hasn't scared me or anything. Right now I would be able to have conversation with her easier than I would be able to have one with my mom.

"I'm gonna unpack now." I say deciding I want my room suddenly.

"Alright, if you need anything I'll be in the kitchen." He says and I nod.

I walk to my suitcase and drag it behind me to my room. I close the door behind me and lock it and toss my suitcase on the bed.

All the sudden a wave of depression hits me hard and I let out a deep breath to keep myself from crying.

This is not going to be an easy day. Not at all. I've got to mask this depression that's actually slowly killing me, FaceTime my mom, see my moms friends tomorrrow and pretend I'm ok to them or they'll tell my mom. I'm not only depressed, but now stressed. A not good combo. But would we expect anything less of my brain? No.

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