Ch. 32

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Elianas pov

*1 month later*

Things are beginning to turn out exactly as I said they would. My mom hasn't called one ear. Her friends have been texting and calling me more than ever asking how I am or what I'm up to in an attempt to fill my mom in.

Things with Dallas haven't been so great either. I still am not ok or comfortable living here. I do not like her having this amount of authority and control of me. I prefer her being an aunt over a mother. This is starting to work on my nerves.

Social Media update? Yeah, I still don't have it. You'd think after a month that the stories would die down but they haven't. I'm beginning to loose hope that they will.

The only major accomplishment I've made in a month is I'm officially a month clean. That's really the biggest thing to have happened. So I'll let you decide how these past weeks have been if that's been my biggest highlight.

"I thought I asked you to clean your room."

I turn my head to see my aunt standing in the doorway of my bedroom, "I did. There's an entire garbage full of trash on the bathroom. I took all the cups downstairs too. I'm taking a short break before I start on my bedroom floor."

The bottom of my floor is covered in clothes, blankets, and just random items. Depressions really made itself known and her my aunt hasn't even realized it. It's nothing more than a messy room to her and I honestly hate to clean it.

"It better be finished by tonight Eliana." She says.

"It will."

Does she know understand what a break means? It's a small pause. A temporary stop in an activity. Like I'll get back to cleaning the room, my god.

She huffs before walking away and I roll my eyes, "I miss my moms house all fucking ready. Someone kill me. Or can my airflow just please stop? Or my lungs just stop functioning? Please, I'm begging at this point. If someone has my voodoo doll can you please kill it? Seriously? Please. I'm begging."

My aunts too attentive. I do not like it. I like having space and being at the bottom of the priority list. My mom wouldn't have even cared if my room looked like this. She didn't go in my room enough to even know if it did. Meanwhile my aunts coming into it several times a day because I'm 'too quiet'. Like all I'm doing is watching a movie. What the heck. Of course I'm quiet if I'm watching guardians of the galaxy. It's a movie I want to watch and am gonna keep quiet during!

As I feel myself getting angrier at the thought of my aunt, I just get out of bed and begin to clean up the floor of my room. Evidently she's not going to stop coming to my room until it's clean. So I might as well give in and just clean it. Maybe if I do what she wants me to do she'll finally leave me alone, but I doubt it.

I slowly get to work on cleaning my bedroom floor as I hear my phone ring. I pause and look at my phone to see my mom calling.

"Ok, now you choose to call me? It's been for weeks, seriously? Yeah, I'm busy. If you want to talk to me that bad, you can wait until I call you back. But I doubt you'll answer when I do call you back." I mumble.

I get back to work on cleaning my floor and just throwing any clothes into a hamper. I don't know what's clean or not but it won't hurt it to get washed. I'm not in the mood to hang clothes up anyway, so yeah I'll settle for everything getting washed.

With the clothes picked up, I then pick up pony tail holders, Bobby pins, earbuds, and other small things off my floor and put them where they belong.

It's two hours before my room gets clean, but eventually, it is. I take my clothes to the laundry room before going to my bedroom.

Once I get to my bedroom I look at my phone to see a text from my mom. I tap it and let it redirect me to iMessage as I unlock my phone.

Mom: I didn't mean to call you, I meant to call someone else.

Well, way to make me feel important. Maybe you shouldn't have just admitted that to me after passing me off to my aunt? Or are you just really not caring about how I feel during all of this? I shouldn't be surprised should I? Having nothing to say to her, I just leave her on read and clear my iMessages.

"I honestly can't wait until I can move out and forget that the first 16 years of my life ever even happened." I mumble to myself.

I never got an answer to my question from Jordyn but the show will go on without her. I am not staying here until I'm 18. I refuse to allow that to happen. It won't.

Although, I can't imagine Jordyn not having my back if between now and 4 years start being honest. There's no way from a doctors point of view she'll allow me to stay here if she knows my mindset. I've just got to do my part and continue to be honest with her. No matter how hard it is, I have to be honest.

I'm tired of this toxic family and being some award that continues to be passed around. None of them care, if they did they'd be a lot more focused on my mental health than how much I love them or convincing my mom for custody.

I mean seriously, at this point I'd live with Victoria. I mean hell, if it gets me out of here why not? I may not trust or fully like her, but it would still be better than living here.

Speaking of Victoria, I still am curious to know what lead to that break up. I haven't heard her name since she left. Not even the news bothered to pick the story up. I don't blame them. They probably heard the news and were like 'oh shit? Again? It failed again? We just finished investigating and reporting over the last?' Then didn't bother to report. I'd have said fuck it if I spend years trying to keep up with her relationships just to hear another fail. Like I'm her daughter and even I can't keep up or even remember all her ex's.

They probably were just happy to hear about me and get a better story so they ditched my moms last failed relationship. They can go ahead and thank me for that. I took one for the team I guess.

I hear footsteps but I don't even bother to turn my head. There's only one other person in this house which is my aunt. I know she's just coming to see if my rooms clean.

When I hear nothing from her I turn my head to see no one in the hallway and I shrug and start guardians of the galaxy vol 2. I've got nothing more to do than this.

*time skip*

Just as my movie ends, my peace is interrupted by my aunts presence, "Dinners ready." She says.

Not in the mood to argue, I just get out of my bed and follow behind her to the kitchen. I sit at the table across from her and look down at the dinosaur chicken nuggets in front of me.

I guess we got lazy with dinner tonight? I mean look, my mom was lazy too but I never had dinosaur chicken nuggets lazy...

"So I was thinking about going to visit your grandparents tomorrow." She says.

"OK." I say not caring.

"Do you want to come?" She asks.

"Not even a little."

"Ok, do you want Matthew or Sirah to babysit you?" She asks.

"I'm fine alone."

It's not like I can take care of myself, I can. I can fix my own lunch and dinner. Plus I'll just watch movies all day which will keep me entertained.

"You need a babysitter, I'm not letting you stay here alone."

"Fine, Lauren."

She looks up at me confused but doesn't question it, "Ok?"

I didn't get along with Lauren either when she dated my mom, but I've come to appreciate her with time. Something most people seem to not understand...

I quickly eat my food and put my plate in the dishwasher before heading to my room choosing to leave my aunt alone and confused.

I get into my bed, put my phone on the charger, get comfortable, and go to sleep completely unbothered. My aunt? Can't say the same. I know her brain cells are going to try and figure out why I'm choosing Lauren over Sirah or Matthew all night long. But sounds like a her situation, not a me situation.

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